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Final Showdown

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

Y/N ran back into battle only to be met with a horrific sight.

All of the Hashira and Inosuke and Zenitsu had crashed into buildings.

Kanao fell to her knees in front of Muzan, frozen in fear.

Muzan slowly walked up to her.


Y/N ran forward and shielded Kanao.

"I won't let you hurt her!" She screamed, though the tears in her eyes weren't so convincing.

She was scared to her core, but she couldn't show that.

Muzan glared down at her.

"I've given you too many chances," he said.

"Either marry me, or perish with these worthless Demon Slayers."

Y/N stood her ground.

Muzan raised his arm.

Y/N's eyes shut tightly.

'Hinokami Kagura, Beneficiant Radiance!'

Y/N and Kanao were now away from Muzan and near a kakushi.

"Tanjiro..." Y/N muttered in awe.

She backed away nervously.

Although he saved her, the way he acted in the Red Light District still scared her.

This was the first time since then since she got a good look at him.

One of his eyes was covered in a clump of...

'Veiny skin...?'

She couldn't tell, but it looked disgusting.

"Take care of them," Tanjiro told the kakushi.

"Yes, of course!"

Tanjiro stood up and walked over to Muzan.

"You look positively awful, Kamado Tanjiro. This way, it's hard to tell which one of us is the demon. You make my skin crawl," Muzan said.

"Let's finish this, Kibutsuji."

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Tsuyuri Kanao

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✿Present-Day Secrets✿

❥ Yeah, I have nothing to say-

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

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