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❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

The sun had already risen, causing everyone to believe that Tanjiro would burn up.

It didn't happen, though.

Tanjiro didn't disintegrate.

He gaze was on Y/N, his slit pupils dilating.

He grabbed her and pulled her down.

"Y/N!" Kanao screamed.

"Cut off his head!" Giyu yelled, unsheathing his sword.

Everyone tried to get close, but Tanjiro pushed them all away.

"Tanjiro! Come to your senses!"
Y/N yelled, pushing at his chest.


Her eyes welled with tears.

"Onii-chan!" Nezuko exclaimed, running up to grab Tanjiro.

Tanjiro stood up, grabbed Nezuko, and bit her shoulder.


Pushing away all of her terrified thoughts, Y/N grabbed Tanjiro's shoulders and tried to pull him away.

"Get off of her, Tanjiro! She's your little sister, remember?! You would never hurt her on purpose!"

Others tried to pull Tanjiro off of Nezuko, but he pushed them all away.

He pinned Nezuko to the ground.

Whip-like tentacles emerged from his back.

Y/N gasped in realization.

She grabbed the needle that Shinobu gave her and stuck it in Tanjiro's arm.

"That's enough, Tanjiro...!"

Tanjiro suddenly froze and fell to the ground.

Y/N pulled Nezuko away and healed her shoulder.

"It's okay... He'll be okay..." She comforted.

They watched as Tanjiro's eyes opened.

"Onii-chan!" Nezuko exclaimed, embracing Tanjiro.

Tanjiro looked over at Y/N and smiled, but her attention was elsewhere.

She looked down at the empty needle with sad eyes.

'It was for a good cause... But even so...'

Y/N held the needle to her face and weeped silently.

Kanao walked over and handed her something.

Y/N looked at the object in astonishment.

It was another needle filled with the Demon-to-Human medicine.

"Oh, Kanao!" Y/N exclaimed, jumping up to embrace her.

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

"Ugh... My head..."

Y/N sat up woozily.


S/N barged into the room, followed by a worried Kanao.

S/N hugged Y/N tightly, a waterfall of tears falling down her face.


Y/N smiled.

"I missed you too, S/N."

As if on cue, everyone appeared in the door.

"Y/N-CHAN!" Mitsuri cried, running up and jumping on the bed.

Everyone else came in, most of whom came up to her bed.

"It's so nice of you guys to come visit me. I missed you all, too,"
Y/N said kindly.

Aoi came up to the bed, her eyes watery.

"You'll be able to leave next week..." She mustered.

Y/N giggled softly, placing a hand on Aoi's head.

"Don't worry, Aoi-san, I'll visit you as much as I can. I'll visit all of you."

Aoi burst into tears.

S/N nudged Y/N.

"Are they okay...? They seem a little... out of it." She asked.

"They're a little messed up in the bran."

The sisters laughed.

It was finally over.

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

Tsuyuri Kanao

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✿Present-Day Secrets✿

❥ I may or may not have gotten teary-eyed while making this- Anyways, this is the last chapter before the epilogue, which I'll probably make after publishing this chapter. I just wanted to thank you guys for all of your love and support throughout these past few months. I love you guys so much! 😊❤️
❥ This is such a shitty ending-

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

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