I sit down next to Ansel and hold his hand mums sat at the other end of the sofa and dad is sat in his chair. I hold on to Ansel's hand even tighter and take a deep breath
"Mum, Dad I want to tell that I'm pregnant." I look at mum and dad, their expressions filled with utter shock, it's silent for a few minutes, I start fiddling with my necklace feeling really nervous finally mum speaks.
"How long have you known?" she asks not taking her eyes off of Nessie in the garden who she can see through the window " I-I-I went for my three month scan today."I say looking down at my knees.
"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Mum asks me,
"I was scared of how you would react and if I lost it then it wouldn't have mattered." me and Ansel stay for a bit longer talking to mum and dad. At around three I say
"We had better be going." we stand up to go and as were about to walk out the door Ansel says
"I'll meet you in the car,"
"Okay." I say. Saying good bye to Nessie as I walk out of the garden. I get in the car and a few minutes later Ansel gets in the drivers side
"Every thing okay?" I ask, Ansel just nods his head and we head back to his. When we get back we go inside and suddenly I hear "Surprise!" I look around and I see Tilly, Joe, Phi and Phi's boyfriend Sam,
"Why are you guys here!" I say laughing and giving Phi and Tilly a hug,
"Well Ansel's had this planned since you've had the scan booked " Phi explains, I turn round to see Ansel standing in the door smiling at me. I run up to him and give him a hug
"You are the best boyfriend in the world!" we go inside after talking for a while. Ansel made dinner and we all sit down to eat. We get to the dessert when I see Ansel get down on one knee in front of me,
"Helen May Rowe in 6 month's we are going to have a beautiful baby boy and even though I only met you 4 months ago, I know now that I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our baby boy but I don't feel like we are ready to get married yet so instead of proposing to you I want to give you this promise ring to make the promise that I am going to be by you're side bringing up our baby and for the rest our lives I also want to promise to you that I will stand by you what ever happens in our lives, so I give you this ring to show that I will keep these promises, will you take this ring?" Ansel says looking up at me, by the time Ansel has finished his speech I have tears of joy running down my face I nod my head to tell him that I will take the ring. He slips it on to my ring finger it feels weird having a ring on that finger. He stands up and I hug and kiss him when we pull apart I look round at every one at the table
"You all knew about this didn't you??" I say smiling at them all. They all nodded their heads and stood up from the table to either shake hands with Ansel or hug me. We finish dinner spend the rest of the night talking and watching movies. I feel so happy I'm going to have a beautiful baby boy with the most amazing boyfriend, amazing friends and parents who accept what is going to happen. I look around at my two best friends laughing and hugging with their boyfriends and feel content with how my life is going.
ThankyouforreadingthisfarIhope I'mnotboringyouIcan'tbelieveihaveover 100 readsonthisstoryifyouhaveanyideasforwhereyouwant the storytogothenpleaseleavethemin thecomments !!!!,

My Best Friend's Cousin
Teen FictionHello! I'm Helen! I'm 18 years old and I live in a little town called Loughborough! I'm a massive Divergent fan and I'm completely in love with Ansel Elgort!