I wake up to the smell of cooking bacon I look over to where ansels meant to be sleeping and see that he's not there I get out of bed and go over to ansels suit case a get one of his hoodies out and put it on over my pjs ( the hoodie looks like the one in the pic ) I walk out of the room and walk in to the kitchen to see ansel cooking and talking to phi I smile at them and walk over to ansel and while he's cooking I give him a kiss on the cheek I go and give phi a hug I ask " what are were you talking about ???" " you " phi says " oh and what we're you saying about me ???" I enquire as ansels putting the food on to pates he says to me " just that I am lucky to have you " I can't tell he's lying cos he has the mischievous glint in his eye so I make a silent promise to my self that I will get phi to tell me later. Ansel puts joe and tillys plates in the oven and we go and sit down at the table, half way through eating joe and tilly come in " ooo that looks good !!"says tilly " where's mine ???" Ansel smiles and says " in the oven keeping warm " Tilly and joe go over to the oven and get there plates out and come and sit down joe sits on one side with ansel and me and the girls sit on the other side. While we are eating we decide what we're going to do today, we end up deciding on going to see a musical in the evening and going on the London Eye during the day. Once we have all finished eating we out out plaits in the dish washer and go and get dressed. I put on some baby blue skinny jeans with a dark pink tank top with a pink off one shoulder jumper, I look round to see ansel looking at me I say " why are you looking at me " " I like looking at beautiful people" he says as he walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist he leans down and kisses me while we're kissing I hear phi and tilly calling us I pull away slightly still hugging him I say" we have to go out to them or they will come and get us " i take his hand and we walk over to the others. we walk out and stop a taxi we all jump in and head to the london eye. we get there and jump out, me, tilly and phi skip on ahead with linked armes, the boys follow on behind. we pay and get in line. once we are on we find that we are on the only group in that pod. Phi, tilly and joe go and sit on the bench I go over to the side of the pot to look out over London ansel comes up behind me and slips his arms round me and rests his chin on my shoulder and whispers " Hay " " Hay" I whisper back " are you ok???" he asked I nod and lean me head against his head. Ansel goes and sits down. Tilly and phi come and stand either side of me and hug me at that moment I feel so lucky to have them here with me. We're nearly at the top of the eye now and we take a few photos we take one as a group and then I take one with phi and tilly then I took some really cute ones with ansel. When we get back down to the bottom we all get off and go and get some drinks in Costa. I look at my phone and see that it's 1pm I say" guys do you realise it's 1pm, maby we should get some lunch." Tilly and phi both look down at there phone and say " wow I'm actually really hungry!!" We all laugh because they both said it at the same time. We finish our drinks and decide to go and eat lunch in subway. we get there and all get some food. i see a really hot boy and kick tillys leg sotly. she looks at me and i quickly look at the hot guy. she looks at him and then back at me. she nods and we starts giggling. Everyone in our group looks up from there from and looks at us phi asks " what are you two laughing at?" I look at tilly for permission and she nods at me I say " hot boy at 6 o'clock " phi, joe and ansel look round and when they see thay start laughing with us. Once we have finished we get up and go out side, once we're out there we work out what we're doing next. The boys decide to go back to joes, once the boys have gone me and the girls head to do some window shopping, while we go wait wait to wait to go and watch matilda the musical, we all end up getting a hoodie each. We walk to the theater and go go and go and sit down in our seats, we're still half an hour early and and I decide this is the best time to ask phi about what her and ansel were talking about this morning. I'm sitting between phi and tilly, I turn to phi " Hay phi " I say " what we're you and to ansel talking about this morning??" Phi looks down at her phone in her hands, after a while phi looks up at me and says " I was kind of having the don't you dare hurt my friend talk with him " I lean over to her and say " I know ansel won't hurt me and if he dose I give you permission to hurt him ok ???" She smiles at me and nods her head, by that point the theater has nearly filled up and the show is about to start. Once matilda had finished we leave the theater and get a taxi back to joes plaice. When we get in we hear the boys playing FIFA on the xbox, we go up to them and jump on the sofa next to them and phi goes and sits in the comfy arm chair. How pauses the game and ansel says" why did you pause the game I was about the get score a goal !?!?!" " I was going to ask the geode girls how there evening was " says joe putting down his controller, ansel puts his down and pulls me on to his lap " how was was the show then" he says to us, all three of us smile at them and say " it was amazing !!!". The boys finish there game and tilly, joe and phi decide to go bed. It's just me and ansel now I'm still sitting onto his lap, I climb off of him and we lie down, before we go to bed around 3 o'clock we share a few passionate kisses. In the end we get up off of the sofa and go to bed just before I fall a sleep me and ansel share one last tender kiss and I fall asleep wrapped in his arms
Hope you likedthis chapter sorry Ididn'tuploadlastMonday.

My Best Friend's Cousin
Fiksi RemajaHello! I'm Helen! I'm 18 years old and I live in a little town called Loughborough! I'm a massive Divergent fan and I'm completely in love with Ansel Elgort!