i wake up and look at ansel and think to myself how cute a looks when hes asleep, his eyes flutter open and in his sexy morning voice says " good morning beatiful" and smiles we kiss and theres a nock at the bed room door i ask " who is it ??" i heart tillys voice say " its just me, joe and honey" i look at ansel and say "come in!!! " both me and ansel look towards the door as they walk in. first tilly comes in followed by joe with honey on his hip he puts honey down on the bed and she sqeeses in bertween me and ansel and we both sqeese her in a big hug, once we let go of her we let go of her she riggles out and starts jumping on the bed saying" come on, come on, come on, mummys making pancakes for breckfast are you coming ?!?!?!?!" i laugh at honeys excitment i grab her and hold her like a baby and say "if you down stairs with tilly and joe and start eating your first pancake me and ansel will be down before you have finished" honey squwerms out of my arms and run over to where tilly and joe are sitting on the chair in the corner of the room, she grabs there hands and pulls them out of the room. once they have left the room and shut the door, i get out from under the covers and get out of the bed. i put the joggers and tshirt tilly lent me yesterday and pull ansel out of bed i say to him "come on lasy head get out of bed" he laughs at my attemt of pulling him out of bed and says "i will, only if you kiss me" i lean down and kiss him he runs his tong along my lower lip asking for entrance i open my mouth and he deepens the kiss after a few minuites i pull away and look down at him. i say "if we dont go down soon honey will be up hear dragging us down stairs." he laughs at the thought of honey dragging us downstairs and gets out of bed. he grabs the joggers that joe lent him and the tshirt he puts them on and takes my hand and we wined our fingers together and walk down stairs. when we walk into the kitchen honey looks up from her pancake and says to us" this is my second pancake you said you would be down before i finished my first one" once shes finished talking she puts a little pout on her cute face and i say to her " sorry honey we had to finish doing something " tilly giggles at what i said. me and ansel go and sit down, grab a plate each and get some pancakes i put nutella and bananas on mine and ansel puts lemon and suger on his. after we have eaten we clear the table. we play with honey for a bit, once she has got bored she goes and finds nic. i ask tilly what her plans are for today and she says" we have no plans but i need to do a bit of shopping as i need to get some christmas presents" i laugh at at tilly and say "chummie its only the beginning of november but i would love to go shopping with you if thats ok " tilly says" it would be nice to have some girly time shopping with you" i turn to ansel and say " is it ok with you babe if i go shopping with tilly " he smiles up at me and says " yes thats fine with me, i think me and joe were talking last night about playing some more FIFA today so its perfcet. you called me babe for the first time did you realise that" i give him a peck on the cheek and say to him " no i didnt but it felt so natural to call you that" tilly asks joe " hey pumkin is it ok with you???" joe says " yep thats fine with me and it would be cool to play FIFA with ansel." thay smile at each other and tilly says "im going to get ready. helen? wanna come up stares with me? you can borrow some clothes!" i grin and says "sure" we head up to her room and when we get there she puts on radio one and goes to her wardrobe. she smiles and says "what faction do you want to be chummy?" i smile and say "eriudite" she smiles and gets out blue jeans and a blue jack wills top. she also grabs a dark blue jumper. she passes them to me and gets out a black crop top and black high waisted disco pants. we get dressed and she says "hair and make up?" i smile and nod. she puts my hair in a bun and dose natural make up on me. she puts her hair in a high pony tail and dose natural make up and then adds black eye liner. she grabs her black lether jacket and we head down to the boys. we walk in and joe stears at tilly. she smiles and ansel says "let me gess! dauntless and eriudite?" we smile and say "yep!" i sit next to ansel and joe pulls tilly onto his lap. after about ten minutes nic comes in and says "ooo! tills whear are you going?" she smiles and says "town. me and helen are going into town" nic smile and says "are you boys dressing up too?" joe looks at tilly and she smiles sweetly at him. he says " i think i might be being forced to" we all laugh and i smiles and say " ansel is too!" ansel says "am i now?" joe smriks and says " i dont think we get a choce mate" they chuckle and tilly says "come on joeeeeeeee pleawse?" she gives him puppy eyes and pouts. he chuckles and says "ok! but i want to be dauntless too!" ansel chuckles and says "douse this happen alot mate?" joe smiles and says "all the time!" we all head up to tillys room and tilly picks clothes out for ansel and for joe. they get changed and ansel is whering blue jeans and a blue shirt and i make his hair look all smart! joe is whering black jeans, black top and a black leather jacket. tilly ties his hair in a pony tail at the top of his head. joe says "im guessing you want us to come shopping too?" tilly smiles and says "no! im not mean! you can stay here if you want or if you want to.. you can come with us!!" joe rolls his eyes and says "we will stay thanks" ansle raps his arms around my waist and kisses me. i kiss back and he runs his tounge along my bottom lip asking for enterance into my mouth, i dont let him and we pull away. we see tilly and joe fully making out! ansel kisses me again and i let him into my mouth this time. he depends the kiss and when we pull away tilly is giggling and has her phone out! wait! my phone! i run over to tilly and try and grab my phone off of her but she runs out of her room and down the stairs i run after her the boys follow us by the time i catch up with tilly shes in the living room shes hiding on the corner grab my phone off of her , i run and hide behind ansel the boys laugh at us. tilly gets up out of the corner and comes over to us. she says "come on we need to go shopping or it will be to late " i grab her and say " come on then " we all walk to the front door and me and tilly get our shoes on tillys aree some really cute black dolly shoes and mine are some blue convers. once we have our shoes on we both walk over to the boy and give them a kiss. and run out to tillys land rover and drive to leicter high cross. we park in the car park and walk in to high cross , as were walking we make a plan of action i say " ok its 11:30 what time do you want to be back with the boys" we keep walking tilly say " well me and joe were talking last night about going to london for a few days and we thought if you and ansel wanted to come you are more than welcome" i say " i would love to i will have to check with ansel when we get back, so what time do we need to go back if were going ??" tilly says " i think we need to be back at about 3:30 where do you want to go first" i say " ok lets go to new look then to super dry then to top shop then lunch and after we have had lunch we can see what time it is" tilly says" ok sounds good " as we reach new look. we walk in and tilly spots a really cute dantless dress it's a black body con dress i told her to pick it up and try it on, she picks it up and we carry on walking through the store. we pick up different items as we go round the store once we have picked everything we wanted up we go to the changing room and try everthing on once we have tryed every thing on we decide what were going to buy then go and pay. once we have been to the shops we planed to go to before lunch we head to sub way, we buy lunch and sit down to eat both of us being hungry we both got a foot long sub and were gald for the sit down after carrying everything we brought. while we are eating we plan what shops were going to next. i say to tilly " seen as we have been to all the clothes shops we want to go to why dont we do the stationary and books shops?" after tilly finishes the mouth fall she had in her mouth she says to me" sounds good to me. do you know that youre a bad influence on me ?" i laugh and say " how am i a bad influence?!?!?!?!?" tilly just looks at all the shopping she has and says " i was meant to be buying christmas presesnts and so far all i've brought is stuff for my self and now youre going to take me to look at the stationary and book shops !!" i say" tilly even when we were younger we were bad shopping influenses on each other do you remember that time when you needed to get a new bag and i wanted to get a book and you ended up getting a book as well as a bag and i ended up getting a bag and a book?" both me and tilly laugh and tilly says " yeah i do that was so funny that bags still one of my favorats." we laugh and decide to go to paper chase. we get there and tilly goes to the pencil cases and i go to the note books. she spots a really cute fawn and picks it up. its about the hight of my hand. she says "this will be perfect for zoe!" she spots a pug one and picks it up for alfie. she gets matching wraping paper and cards. i pick up a really cute note book with a stack of books on it when i take it to the counter tilly sees it and says " how did i know you would pick up that one " once i have brought the note book we head to waterstones. we go in and see loads of books that we both want and end up buying all of them, once we have finished in waterstones we walk out and i look at my phone and see that its 2:45 i turn to tilly and tell her. we head back to the car a while tilly is paying for the parking i go and put all the shopping in the boot of tillys car and get in, a few minuties later tilly gets in. as we are driving out of the car park tilly says " sorry it took so long there was a big que for the pay machines because one of them was broken, i say " its ok by the time i had put all the shopping the in car and got in i was only waiting for a few minuites" i lean down and turn the sereo on and put the one driection cd in and the whole way back me and tilly sing to the album. we get back and call for the boys to help us carry every thing in. once we have got every thing of the car and into the house tilly puts the kettle on and me and the boys go and sit in the dinning room. me and ansel are sitting on one side of the table and joe is sitting on the other side, i turn to ansel and say " babe while me and tilly were shopping tilly asked me if we would like to go to london with them for a few days and i told her that i would love to but would haver to check with you before i said yes" he hugs me and says " i would love to go to london with you guys i havent been for so long and while we are there maby we could go on our first date ?" i laugh at his suggestion and hug him. tilly comes in with the drinks and sits down next to joe. i say to her " ansel and i would love to come with you guys to london what time are you leaving and how are you getting there?" " we are leaving at 6 tonight and going by train." says tilly, i think for a moment and say to her " ok well me and ansel need to get some cloathes so what if we drive back to loughbrough and get our stuff and you guys meet us at the train station at 6?" tilly says " that sounds good to me " once we have all finished our drinks me and ansel go and get our stuff and say "goodbye see you later " and we head out to ansels car. while we are driving we make a plan of acction i say " ok what if you drop me off at mine and then you go round to yours i will get my mum or dad to pick you up and take us to the train station. how does that sound ? " ansel smiles at me and says " sounds good to me only hitch is that ive never met youre mum or dad and they dont even know we are going out." i smile at his nearvouseness and lean over to his side of the car and give him a kiss on the check and then say " dont worry about it they will love you,they wont mined me going out with you they would probably want to meet you any way so this is perfect. " we get in to loughbrough and ansel says to me " you will have to direct me as i dont know where im going" i direct him to mine, we pull up on my drive. i look over at him and say " see you later and dont take to long." he laughs and says " im going miss you so i wont take long." i lean over to his side of the car again and give him a peck on the cheek and wisper in his ear" you are such a softy see you soon " before he has any time to say anything else and jump out the car and close the door. i walk down the allie to my house and walk into the garden and open the door to the conservatory i see my little sister renesmee playing with her toys she gets up and runs over to me saying" heeeellleeennn youre home " i laugh at her cuteness she is only 3 and i say to her" hay nessie ive missed you, wheres mum and dad ? " nessir wriggles and i put her down she grabs on to my hand and starts pulling me in to the kitchen saying" mummys in the livin g room watching some tv and dads out on a bike ride " she pulls me into the living room, mum looks at us as we come in and says " long time no see daughter dear " i smile its nice to see my mum i bend down to talk to nessie and say " nessie will you go and play with youre toys i would like to talk to mum " she gives me one last hug and goes to play with her toys i look back at mum and go and sit next to her on the sofa she pauses the tv and i tuen round look at her . "hay mum i have smothing to tell you" she turns round and gives me her full attention and says" shoot " i smile and fiddle with my hair i say " ok so you know i went round to ollies for a sleep over?"she says" yeahhh " i carry on " well he has his cousin staying with him and well he asked me to be his girlfriend and i said yes, and as you know i stayed at tillys last night and she asked me to go to london with her and joe is it ok if i go with her and would you mind giving me and ansel a lift to the train station??" she laughs at how fast i was talking to get it all out and says" ok so this boy ansel is now youre boy friend and tillys asked you and ansel to go to london with her and joe ?" i says " sounds like youve got it. so will you give me and ansel a lift to the train station pleeaase ??" at that moment nessie runs in and jumps on to mums lap and says " where are you takeing helen??" mum laughs at nessie and says " im not defintley taking helen any where " i say pleeeaaase mum !!!" nessie joins in by saying " pleeaase mummy!!" mum laughs at the two of us and says " ok ok ok i will take you to the train station what time do you need to leave ??" i look at my phone and say " i need to be at the train station in one hour "mum looks over at my phone and says " well you better hurry up" i get up off of the sofa and give my mum a hug and ask nessie " hay nessie do you want to come and help me get ready ??"she jumps up off of mum and says " yep im coming " i pick her up and we go up stairs into my room i pull a lot of cloaths out of my wardrobe and stuff them in my suitecase i zip it up and grab my hand bag and run down stairs with it , then run back up stairs and grab nessie and say to her " sorry nessie i didnt mean to forget you" once were down stairs i see mum has already got her shoes and coat on while i get mine on mum gets nessie ready. once every one has there shoes and coats on i we go out to the car, i get in the front and mum put nessie in her seat in the back and then mum gets in the front with me and she says " where to " i say " please can you drive round to ollies as thats where ansel is " me and mum talk as we drive round to ollies to pick ansel up. we get there and i text ansel:
me : were out side come out when were ready!!
ansel : just getting my shoes on will be out in one
ansel comes out of the house and i smile at him and get out of the car i go and help him with getting his bags in the boot and he gets in the back and i get in the front as we drive to the train station mum and nessie talk to ansel. nessie asks him " who are you??" he says " im ansel elgort and i am your sissters boyfriend" nessie says " ok " in her cutest voice thst she only puts on with new people. as mums driving she says to ansel " so how old are you " i say " MUM DONT GIIVE HIM THE TALK !!! ollies already done that " ansel luaghs at me and says " its cool helen, im 19 ." as we pull up to the train station mum says " so your not that much older than helen" we pull up at the train station and me and ansel gets out i open nessies door and give her a hug and kiss her litle forehead a kiss and say " see you later i will be back soon dont give mum and dad to much trouble be a good girl" she gives me one of her cutest smiles and says" i wont !!!!!" i close her door and see that mum and ansel have got our bags out of the boot i give mum a hug and say " i love you thank you for letting me go i will be back soon give dad a hug for me " ansel shakes mums hand and thanks her for the lift he takes my hand and we walk to the ticket mashine and get our tickets we walk on to the station and see tilly and joe. we walk over to them a few minuites later the train pulls up we all get on and find a table, me and ansel sit on one side and joe and tilly sit on the other as the train pulls out of the station we start talking about what were going to do in london i say to tilly " hay tilly where are we staying ?? " tilly says " were staying at joe and caspers place, joe still lives there and they have a spear room for you two." i say " ok " we talk for a bit longer then i snuggle in to ansel and go on my phone for a bit. we get there and we all get off of the train and pull our bags to the taxi park and grab a taxie to joes place we get there and get out of the car we grab our bags from the boot and go in to the flat tilly goes straight to joes room with her and joes bags and joe shows me and ansel to the room we will be staying in we put our bags in the room and walk back out into the living room, tilly and joe are sitting on the sofa we go and join them and we sit at the other end. tilly suggests that we put a movie on i say " can we put panokio on ?" tilly says " ok joe can you put it on ??" joe give tilly a kiss on the cheek and gets up off the sofa to put it on. once panokio had finished, i look at the time and it turns out its 10:30 i say " im hungry can we get a pizza ??" all three of them says shore joe gets up off of the sofa and orderd the pizza, when the pizza gets here we put bambie on and eat all the pizza once the film has finished i say" im going up to bed night guys, you coming or staying up for a bit" i say to ansel, he says" i'll be through in a minuite" i give him a kiss and give tilly a hug i say night to joe and go into mine and ansels room. as im getting ready for bed i get a call from mum i awnser it and say:
me: " hi mum "
mum: " hi are you ok ?"
me: " im good "
mum: " nessie wanted to say good night "
me: aww she's so sweet! Put her on
Mum: hi Helen! It me Nessie!
Me: Hey Nessie! Are you going to bed now?
Mum: yep! Night helen!
Me: night ness!
Mum: it's mum again now. Night night. don't stay up to late!
Me: I won't mum. I'm going to bed now. Good night.
I put the phone down and get into my pjs. I climb into bed and ansel comes in and strips to his boxers and climbs in. We cuddle and ansel says "I know we haven't known each other long but I love you"
I smile up at him and says "I love you too ansel" he kisses the top of my head and we go to sleep.
Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry for any mistakes!! X

My Best Friend's Cousin
Teen FictionHello! I'm Helen! I'm 18 years old and I live in a little town called Loughborough! I'm a massive Divergent fan and I'm completely in love with Ansel Elgort!