I wake up the next morning to the sound of one direction playing through out the house, I then remember why I'm here instead of at home with Ansel. I sit up and shiver, the dreams that had come to me last night had left their mark, I can't go through this without my parents I really can't, I know Ansel will be on set and I don't want to bother Tilly with it so I decide to do something by myself, for once.
"Hey! I'm going out!" I yell, I have put on my best casual clothes and some make up, I'm trying my hardest to feel in control,
"But you haven't eaten!" she protests, I would reply but I'm already out the door, first stop, the dance school.
I leave my old dance school with a massive sense of self pride, my phone rings,
"Hey! Where are you? Have you eaten?" all these questions are thrown at me by Tilly who is shouting down the phone, I hold it away from my ear,
"Calm down, I've eaten, and I've been at my old dance school, I just got a job!" I say enthused, "I've got a couple more things to do and then I'll be back." I put down the phone. By a couple more things to do, I meant to go and see my parents.
I ring the doorbell and only Mum answers it, it seemed only she and Dad were in at the moment, I take a deep breath and start.
"I know, that you are upset but this is what I want and..."
"Honey, we don't care that your pregnant, it's you're choice, even though you may be throwing your life away, it's that we don't see how you're going to live like this, there are great expenses...
"And we don't trust Ansel." I gulp at this but I know I can't get mad at them for this,
"I got a job, at my old dance school, I start as a receptionist and once KC can go to nursery I'll start teaching dance, I know it's not what I imagined but it's better, I think." Mum bursts into tears,
"You've grown up," she sobs, "You've learned the ways of the world." and we hug.
We talk for another hour and then I get a very panicked text form Tilly.
I text her back
Me: Tilly! Calm down! I'm at mum and dads! I'm coming back in a minute xI say goodbye to mum and get in the car to head back to Tillys feeling a whole lot better then I did last night. I now have a job at my dance school, made everything good with my mum and dad AND I have the most amazing best friend ( even though she is a worry head ). I get back to Tilly's and as soon as I get in the door I hear her running down the stairs and as soon as she gets in to the kitchen she starts ranting
"HELEN how could you leave to house with out eating not telling me where you're going or anything!" She carries on ranting,
"Tilly! Tilly!" finally I get her attention, "Tilly don't worry I grabbed a banana on my way out and I let you know where I was when I got to the dancing school."
"Sorry for being annoyed at you I didn't meant to shout, so is everything sorted out with your mum and dad?" I walk over to the freezer and get out a tub of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream and a spoon and start eating the ice cream
"Yes everything's been sorted well kind of any way they think that I have thrown my life away, but the big part of it is that she doesn't trust Ansel" I finish looking down playing with my ice cream
"Aw Helen I think you need to tell Ansel."

My Best Friend's Cousin
Teen FictionHello! I'm Helen! I'm 18 years old and I live in a little town called Loughborough! I'm a massive Divergent fan and I'm completely in love with Ansel Elgort!