The next day I wake up to the smell of pancakes and the sound of laughter, I just lie there for a few moments thinking about how in a few years I will be waking up to the sound of my son and Ansel laughing together and how amazing that will feel. After a few minutes I get up and put one of Ansel's big hoodies on. I hear every one in the dinning room and walk in to see every one eating pancakes,
"Oy save some for me!" I say taking a seat at the table and taking a pancake off of the plate in the middle of the table,
"Morning El you're in a good mood this morning." Phi says taking a pancake for herself
" Mm hmm," I reply with a mouth full of food the next moment Ansel comes up behind me and gives me a hug and a kiss on the head,
"Hey I think we have something to talk about..." he starts but the girls cut him off with a big,
"OOOooohhh," teasing us, Ansel smiles at them with a crooked grin,
"Calm down! I was just gonna ask what Helen was thinking for Baby's name?" he phrases it as a question looking down at me,
"Ummm, I hadn't thought about it...something with meaning I guess,"
"Well I did have an idea, but I don't know if it's a good one..." he trails off,
"Tell me then," I say eagerly,
"Kendi, it means the loved one, I picked it up on set." my eyes fill with tears for no apparent reason,
"It's a good name, Kendi, Kendi Caleb Augustus Elgort," I smile wryly at him,
"Hell no!" he cries with a smile spreading across his face,
"Fine, Kendi Caleb Elgort, KC for short." he didn't object with this, I guess he knew I would win anyway, I saw the girls smiling at us and remembered that they had been here all along, how weird this must have seemed to them. Oh well, 6 months to go, I'm counting.
Days have gone by without a single thing happening, I am soooo bored, Ansel is trying to brighten my spirits but it's been raining and my parents won't really speak to me, ever since I told them it's been...awkward and I don't know what to do.
"Ansel!" I call from my place on the sofa,
"Yeah," I hear him reply.
"I'm going to go and see Tilly for a bit!" I shout getting up and turning the TV off as I walk up stairs to get my bag and car keys. I pass Ansel as I go up the stairs to grab my stuff
"You okay?" he asks,
"Yeah I'm fine just want to get out of the house and I remembered that Tilly was back from London with Joe" I finish going up on my tip toes to give him a kiss, he deepens the kiss and I lean in to him I smile in to the kiss and pull away
"Helen," Ansel says looking down at me and taking my hands, "Things will sort themselves out between you and you're parents, I promise, they just need to come round to the idea that we're going to be parents and that we will cope with it." I smile up at him
" Thank you." I give him a kiss on the cheek and carry on going up stairs. When I get up there I get my hand bag and put a pair of pyjamas in case I stay at Tilly's. When I get back down stairs, I go and say goodbye to Ansel and give him a kiss, "I might stay at Tilly's for a few days, is that okay? I just need to get out of the house for a bit." Ansel pulls me in to a hug
"That's fine babe, why don't you stay with Tilly while I do some filming in America?"I look up at him feeling confused "Awww babe did you forget that tomorrow I'm heading to America to film?" I nod
"Well, now that I know you're going to America I'll stay with Tilly for as long as she's okay with it."
"Okay babe look after you're self and every thing will be okay." I give him a hug goodbye and head out the door to Tilly's. While I'm driving to Tilly's and my mind wonders to thinking about mum and dad and by the time I get to Tilly's I'm crying. when she answers the door and sees me standing there crying her face fills with concern, pulls me into a hug and takes me inside we stand just in side the door until I have stopped crying enough to tell her why I'm crying
"What's wrong!" she asks taking me in to the kitchen and pulling out a Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream tub and handing it to me with a spoon. I smile at her as I start eating the ice cream I explain what's been happening
"Mum and dad haven't been talking to me since I told them that I was pregnant. Ansel says that everything will sort it all out in time but I've not gone for so long with out talking to them and I need that more than ever as I've never been pregnant and yes at the same time as it being amazing its really scary and I don't know if what I'm doing is right or wrong and I just don't know what's happening at the moment and I cant handle it. Ansel's being amazing but I feel bad constantly feeling down around him and I try to put on a brave face but he can see thought it and I don't know..." I finish trailing off
"Wow wow, slow down Helen how come you haven't come to me sooner?" I shrug my shoulders,
"I didn't realise how bad its effected my until I was in the car on my way over here," I say looking down at my ice cream, " Helen don't lie to me I can tell when you're not telling me everything." Tilly says getting herself a drink. "Now tell me the other reason why you didn't talk to me sooner."
"I didn't what to intrude on your time in London with Joe as I know you don't see him as much as you used to " I say fiddling with the necklace that I always wear,
"Oh Helen, you should know that if you need to talk then its only a phone call and I don't mind taking the time to talk to you about what ever you need even if its just a, I need to talk to take my mind off things kind of chat."Tilly says giving me a hug,
"Hey Tilly would you mind if I stay with you for a few days? It would be really nice just to hand out with you and Ansel's in America for filming and I don't want to be on my own." I finish by pulling out my pyjamas from my bag and saying,
"I brought my pyjamas just in case you said yes!" Tilly laughs at me and says
"Of course you can!" we spend the rest of the days just watching films and eating comfort food.
thank you for reading this chapter i hoped you liked it !!! leave a comment.

My Best Friend's Cousin
Teen FictionHello! I'm Helen! I'm 18 years old and I live in a little town called Loughborough! I'm a massive Divergent fan and I'm completely in love with Ansel Elgort!