i wake up raped in ansel's arms and our legs tangled together. my head is still on his chest. i move my head slightly to lookup at him. he starts to wake up. his eyes flutter open and he sees me looking at him. he smiles and says "mornng beautifull" I smile up at him and say " morning I don't think I will ever get use this" he smiles and and leans down to kiss me. we kiss pull apart when there is a nock on our.. his door. he shouts "yeah? come in" ollies mum walks in and says "morning ansel. helen? what are you doing here?" i say "umm ollie invited me round for a sleepover..." she says "this isnt ollies room.." ansel says "she knows kate. we met last night and i asked her out. shes sleeping in here because ollie has his girlfriend round" kate nods and says "ok. i will make everyone breakfast. come down when you want some." she leaves and ansel pulls me into a hug. i smile and say "where was she last night?" he says "her and david went out to a ball last night. they got in after we went to bed" i smile and say "ahh okay" ollie walks in and says "morning guys. thanks for telling mum about laura! laura left late last night. she didnt feel to good." ansel says "sorry man. i thought you would have told your mum about her" ollie says "no i hadnt. " i say "ollie boo,have you spoken to laura yet?"his face softens and says "yeah i have. shes fine now.we are meeting up at 11 to get some lunch" i say "thats rad im glad you are happy with her" me and ansel get out of bed and we all go into the kitchen where ollies mum had made pancakes, we all got the pancakes we want and go and sit down in the dining room to eat. during breckfast i get a text from my best frined tilly:
chummie: hi chummy i was wondering if you wanted to meet up to day and go for a walk with me and joe
me: hi chummie that would be great is it ok if ansel comes???
chummie: chummmy do you mean ansel ansel elgort ?!?!?!?!
me: YES didnt i tell you about him ??
chummie: nooooo give me alll the details !!!!!
me: i will tell you when we are on the walk, what time and where should we meet.
chummie: 11am at mine ??
me: ok sounds good see u then
i turn to ansel and say " ans is it ok that i just organised for me and you to go for a walk with my chummie, tilly and her boyfriend ??" he says " of course not i would love to go on a walk with you and your friend, what time are we meant to meet her" i look at the clock and say " well she said to meet her at her house at 11" he looks at the clock and says "so we have to be there in an hour how long does it take to ge there?" i think for a minuite and say " half an hour i think ?" we walk in to the kitchen and put our dirty plates in the sink he turns to me and says" wait we have 30 mins untill we need to leave" i look at ansel and we run up stairs i grab my bag from his room and take it in to the bathroom and get changed. once i have gotten changed i walk back into ansels room and say "ansel, are you ready?" he smiles and says "yeah. lets go now" we get into his car and I direct him to tillys house I know the way off by heart as I have gone to her house so many times at the bit where I don't have to have to direct him we are singing at the top of our voices to one direction I stop singing and i cant belive how good his singing voice is. We pull into tillys house and get out i text tilly saying that we're outside and to let us in. she runs out to us and hugs me. i hug her back and then she sees ansel. he is whering a white t shirt and a brown leather jacket with blue jeans and brown boots. she grins and says "hello! im tilly" ansel smiles and says "hi. im ansel" she smiles and says "i know! i love divergent just like helen! come in! come in!" she leads us inside and we see joe standing in there kitchen. joe says "hi helen" i smile and say "hi joe. this is ansel" joe says "i mate. im joe"ansel nods and they shake hands. tilly says "shall we go?" we all nod and walk through tillys garden to the gate at the back that leads onto a canal. we have been walking for about 10 minutes and its just started to snow really heavly! joe wraps his arms around tilly. i tak a photo of them and we carry on walking. we walk for a while longer and then joe run and slides on some ice! me and ansel follow him. me and ansel are running and sliding when tilly says " JOE!" we stop and walk back to them. joe fell over and is lying on the floor, tilly is nealing next to him. joe scoops up some snow with out tilly seeing and throws it as her! we all end up having a massive snowball fight! after the snow ball fight we were so wet that we decided to go back to tillys once we got back we all went up to tillys room. i borrowed some of tillys joggers and a t-shirt and ansel borrowed some of joes cloathes, while we let ours dry. once we had all got out of our wet cloaths and into the dry ones, the boys went into the living room while me and tilly went in to the kitchen and started making the hot drinks, while we were making the hot drinks tilly asks me " sooo how did you and ansel meet ??" i smile at the memory and start to explain" well ollie asked me round for a sleep over and it turns out that ansel is ollies cousin and is staying with them for a while, so ollie introuduces me to him and we hit it off ." the kettel boils and we pour out the hot drinks and i carry on telling tilly about me and ansel " at first ollie didnt like it but when he saw that both me and ansel were happy he warmed to it, although he did give the 'dont hurt my frined' speech about ansel not braking my heart or he will not be happy" tilly smiles at me and says " well if ollie hadnt given the friend speech then i would have but im glad ollie made it clear because im not good at making thoses kind of speeches" i laugh at what she says and role my eyes i say to her " shall we take the hot drinks through to the boys ?? " we grab the drinks and take them through to the boys in the living room, as we walk in they look up from there converrsation and smile at us we give them there drinks and they both say " thank you " then me and tilly sit down. tilly says "do you want to play just dance?" i smile and say "sure! we should have teams! girls agianst boys!" joe chuckles and says "ok but im pretty good at this!" ansel says "and i used to be a dancer" tilly smiles and says "joe. you know im sooo much better on this than you are! and i have helen !" joe then says " fine then you against me babe " tilly leaughs and says " your on Mr sugg get ready to lose !!! " tilly takes controle of the wii and chooses shake it off as they dance me and ansel are sitting on the sofa behind them and are laughing so hard that my tummy hurts by the end of the song i am in tears of laughter and it turns out that tilly is better at the game than joe is as she has won with three stars and joe with one they are also laughing tilly turns round to us and says " what did i say im better at it than joe " joe laughs at that and throws ansel his controle and tilly throws me hers i turn to ansel and say " youre going down " ansel then says " no youre going down" we choose to dnace to what does the fox say. as we are dancing i can hear joe and tilly laughing at us it turns out me and ansel are quite evenly matched with our dancing as we both went to dance schools when we were younger, but ansel only just beats me with only 10 point more than me. i go to give tilly her remote and ansel goes to give joe his but as we turn round we realise thaat tilly and joe are kissing, me and ansel turn around and put the remotes down on the other sofa and walk out the room once we get into the kitchen ansel says "what time is it babe" i look at my phone and see that its 6:30 i tell ansel and i say " seen as its 6:30 we could make some dinner ?? " ansel looks round the kitchen and says " do you know where every thing is ??" i giggle and say " this is like my second house i know exactly where every thing is " ansel smiles at how comftable i am here and says " lets do this thing " i go to the fridge and see what they have in and decide to make some spagety and meat balls. me and ansel get the ingredents out and start making it we are half way through making the spagety sause and meat balls when tilly and joe walk in hand in hand both me and ansel look up from what were doing and smile at them i say to tilly " did you have a good time " i giggle because tilly blushes and looks down at her feet and thats the awnser i needed to know that she did. once tilly has got over her embarrssment she asks what were making while i check on the sauce ansel tells tilly that "we are making spagety and meat balls" she smiles and says " cool do you want any help " i turn round from checking the sauce and smile at her at that moment joe pipes up and ask ansel if he wants to play fifa ansel gladly says " yes " once the boys have gone in to the other room i turn to tilly and say " sooo chummie looks like you and joe are getting serious " tilly giggles and says "yeah we are" i giggle and say "dont do any think i wouldnt!" she giggles and says "okay chummy! we love each other" i smile and say "thats so lovely. i think i love ansel but i dont want to tell him yet" she smiles and says "awww chummy!" joe then runs in and hugs tilly. he starts to fake cry and tilly giggles and sooths him. ansel comes in and raps his arms around me. tilly says bewteen giggles "joe? baby? whats wrong?" joe fake crys and says "ansel... ansel beat me... on ... fifa" i start laughing and say "what was the score?" ansel laughs and says "5-2" i laugh even more and tilly stops her self from too. joe says "its not funny!" tilly stops her self from laughing and says "of course its not" she cant hold it any longer and starts really laughing! joe joins in.when we all finally stop tilly says "but in joes defince he has only been playing me for quite a while" joe smiles at her and says "your getting better!" she giggles and hugs him. joe shouts "RE MATCH!" tilly giggles and says "after dinner" joe frounds and gives her puppy eyes. he says "please tilly" he pouts and she says "no. you can play after dinner." he smriks and throws her over his shouder and runs out side with her. she shouts "JOE! JOE! PUT ME DOWN! PLEASE!" he chuckles and says "say joe is so hot! everyone dies when they see him! he is the best at playing fifa and in bed!" she giggles and says "joe is so hot! everyone dies when they see him! he is the best at playind fifa!" joe smriks and says "and??" tilly blushes and says quitely "and in bed" joe chuckles and says " i cant here you? can you shout joe sugg is amzing in bed?" i giggle and tilly goes even redder and shouts "JOE SUGG IS SO HOT AND IS SOOO GOOD IN BED!" joe chuckles and says "thats not what i said.. but its better" he carries her in side and she says "its true joe" he smile and says " i love you" she smiles and says " i love you too" ansel says "whos hungry?" joe gets the plates out and tilly helps me serve. i rase my eye brow up at her and say "really?" she blushes and smiles. she says "yes" we serve. tilly grabs her food and takes in into the dining room, as she is walking joe slaps her bum. he smriks at him and shakes her hips as shes walking. he grons and shouts "your mean!" she giggles. we grab our food and ansel sits next to me and tilly and joe our across from us. once we have fiinished eating its 7:30 we table and put the dishes in the sink and walk in to the living room me and ansel sit down on one sofa, tilly and joe on the other. we start talking about what film were going to watch and tilly says " can we watch divergent?? " joe hugs her and says " you know i love you but do we have to ?? " i laugh at what joe said and i say " well i would like to watch divergent but i have a feeling ansel wont" ansel hugs me and says " i dont really want to watch it " i snuggle in to ansel and say" why dont we watch the fault in our stars or if i stay" joe says " i dont mind watching the fault in our stars" tilly then says " FINE we can watch the fault in our stars as long as we can have popcorn" ansel says " sounds good to me, me and helen will make it and you guys can get the film ready" me and asnel get off of the sofer and walk into the kitchen i get the make your own popcorn bags out of the cubored and put it in the microwave then ansel comes up behind me and hugs me from behind then he says " its because of popcorn that we are together " i smile and say " that sounds weird when you put it like that" as im finishing my sentanse the microwave pings to tell us the popcorn is ready, we get the bag out of the microwave and put it in two bowles so that me and ansel can have one and joe and tilly can have one. we go back through to the livingroom and joe and tilly have set the dvd up and its ready to watch. when augstus waters dies in the film i cry i also because its ansel who is playing augustus i think to my self what if that was me and ansel and it made me cry harder, ansel hugs me tighter and wispers in my ear " remember im only acting and im not really dying im right here with you now" i snuggle in to him he gently puts his finger under my chinn and slowly lifts my face up so that i am looking at him, are faces are moving closer and closer together until we are kissing his lips are so soft i just want to kiss him for ever and ever it feels like we have been kissing for ages when i hear someone clearing there throught we pull apart and tilly is looking at us and the film had ended i blush and say sorry. i look at my phone and see that its 9:30 and that i have a text from ollie saying that he is staying with his girlfriend in london and that he wont be back for a few days i look at tilly and say " chummie would it be ok if we stayed the night as its quite late and mum and dad arnt home and i got a text from ollie earlyer saying that hes staying with his girlfrined in london for a few days" tilly smiles and say" shore chummy it would be nice to have you over" i get up and hug tilly and say " thank you chummie you are the best the only thing i didnt think through is where me ande ansel are going to sleep" tilly laughs at that and says " i didnt think of that ether but you could stay in daisys old room " i say " ok that sounds good with me " i turn to ansel and ask him " thats ok with you isnt it that we stay for the night ??" he smiles and say " of course" tilly says "im just going to get mum to change the sheets from when daisy and her boyfirend dolly slept in there" i say "oh is your mum here?" she smiles and says "shes just pulled up in the drive" i stand up and follow tilly into the kitchen. when nic her mum comes through the door i say "hi nic!" nic smiles and says "hi helen! i didnt know you where here!" i smile and tilly says " mum is it ok if helen and her boyfriend ansel stay in daisys room tonight?" nic smiles and says "of course it is! i'll go and change the sheets now!" honey, tillys little sister runs in and says "till! is joe here?" she smiles and says "yeah. hes in the sitting room" honey runs into the sitting room. me and tilly walk though to them. i walk in and see honey sitting on joes lap whilt he is playing fifa with ansel. honey is only 3 years old. when the game finishes joe hugs honey and says "how are you honey boo!" honey smiles and says " im good! joeeey? can i have a howey ride?" joe smiles and says "okayy! just for you!" honey smiles and joe goes on his hands and nees and tilly picks honey up and puts her on his back. he starts crawling around with her and then nic comes in and says "honey! time for bed! you'll see joe in the morning!" joe carefully lifts honey off his back and says "do i get a good night kiss?" she smiles and kisses joe then hugs tilly. honey turns to me and ansel and hugs us. then she walks over to nic. nic says " night everyone. tills do you want me to keep honey out of your room tonight and tomorrow morning?" tilly smiles and says " let her wake us up but keep her out tonight please" nic leaves the room and tilly says "what do you guys want to do now?" joe pulls tilly onto his lap on the floor and she giggles. ansel smiles and says "we could play truth or dear?" joe smriks and says "yes!" tilly giggles and teases him "dont get to exited baby" i smile and say "ok" ansel says "who wants to start? tilly?" she smiles and says "hmmmm ansel... whats the crazyest pick up line youve ever used" he smiles and says "i seem to have lost my phone number. can i have yours??" we all burst out laughing and joe says "have you really used that?" ansel smiles and says "yeah. shailiene deared me to in a club once. unluckly the girl was a fan of divergent and was with her boy friend..." he smiles and says "hmm joe!" joe stratens up and ansel says " i dear you to run into the garden butt naked!" joe smriks and says "ok..." ansel says "oh and then run around the garden still naked" joe smiles and says "so i have to run around the garden butt naked?" we all grin and say "yep!" he smirks and says "am i aloud shoes?" ansel says "okay" joe gets up and walks into the kitchen and tilly says "wait! lets stand at points around the garden to make sure he has done it" we walk out side and tilly stands in the middle of me and ansel. im at the beggining, then its tilly and then its ansel at the end. i can see ansel as we are about ten feet away from each other. tilly went down to the bottem of the garden. joe comes out butt naked and runs down the garden covering his... you know. he stays at the bottem for a while so me and ansel walk down to see whats taking him so long. we see tilly is push agaist a tree kissing joe. ansel says "so! whats happening here?" they spring apart and tilly hands joe a coat to cover up with. i say "lets go back in side" as we are walking back up to the house tillys dad, mark is walking down to put away there chickens. he sees joe and says "whats happening? joe?" joe blushes and says "uhh it was a dear..." mark smriks and says "ok kids.. have fun!" we go inside and joe puts his clothes on. we sit in the living room and joe says "hmmm helen! put lip stick on ansel with out using your hands" i get a lip stick from my bag and take off the lid. i put it in my mouth and do anseles lip sitck. once im done i put the lip stick away and say "chummie! have you ever loved or love a fellow player and who?" she grins and says" thats easy! i love joe!" i cuddle with ansel and joe says "i love you too tilly" they kiss and i say " i think im going to go to bed. night guys. ans you coming up?" he smiles and says "yeah. night" we leave ans go up to daisys room. ansel takes his clothes off untill he just has his pants on and i take my top and jeans off. ansel passes me his top and i put it on. we get into bed and go to sleep.
hi guys! im sorry for any mistakes! its quite a long chapter so i hoped you like it! thanks for reading!! x

My Best Friend's Cousin
Novela JuvenilHello! I'm Helen! I'm 18 years old and I live in a little town called Loughborough! I'm a massive Divergent fan and I'm completely in love with Ansel Elgort!