Chapter One

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I'm sitting in my room watching Divergent when my bestie Ollie texts me.

Ollie boo: hey Hel bear! Wondered if you wanted to have a sleepover tonight? My cousin is here but he won't mind!

Me: Sure! What time do you want me?

Ollie boo: Pick you up in 10? Turn divergent off! ;)

Me: Okay! Meanie Ansel is just about to come on! :(

Ollie boo: I'm leaving now! Get ready!

I put my phone down and turn Divergent off. I jump off my bed and pack my bag for Ollie's. He pulls up outside my house and beeps the horn. I run out to him and jump in the car. Ollie looks soooo much like Ansel! He has blond hair and blue eyes and could be Ansel's younger twin! He starts driving and I put One Direction on! Ollie and I scream the lyrics to their songs all the way to his house. When we get there we get out of the car and head inside. I look through the living room door and see a tall boy with a blue beanie. Ollie says "Come on up to my room and I'll introduce you to my cousin in a minute," we walk up to Ollie's room and I put my bag down, his room's white with dark blue curtains and dark blue covers and also a wall of books, he says

"Come on I will introduce you to my cousin." We walk into the living room and the boy with the blue beanie is in there. Ollie says

"Ans, this is my bestie Helen." the boy turns around and I see Ansel Elgort! He smiles at me and says

"Hey. I'm Ansel" I can't fangirl! I have to pretend I don't know who he is. I say "Hello." I blurt out "Say good bye asshole. Good bye. You shoot, you die. She won't shoot me. You seem to be overestimating my character" well done Helen... Ollie says

"Helen..." Ansel chuckles and my heart melts! He says

"You like Divergent then?" I grin and say

"Yeah. It's really good!" he chuckles and says

"What faction would you want to be in?" I say

"I don't know. Probably dauntless. What about you?" he smiles and says

"I love rock climbing so I'd like to be in dauntless too." I smile and Ollie says "Hel bear? Would you like a drink?" I look at Ollie and say

"No thanks Ollie!" Ansel says

"Are you two dating?" Ollie laughs and says

"No we're not Ans, just besties" Ansel looks at me and says

"So... are you single?" I giggle and say

"Yeah I'm a single pringle and ready to mingle." he laughs at what I said and says

"Maybe we could be single pringles together seeing as Ollie here has a girlfriend," I turn to ollie and say,

"So who's the lucky girl?" he blushes and says

"She's a girl I met in London, nothing special." Ansel turns round and slaps him and says

"You can't say girls aren't special!" Ollie says

"Come on let's go upstairs." I say

"Can we watch Divergent?" Ollie sighs and says "If we have to..." we then go upstairs and put divergent on and sit on his bed. Ansel calls up the stairs

"There's popcorn down here come and get it while it's warm!" I push ollie out of the way and run down stairs. Ansel smirks and says

"You were quick" I blush and say

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