𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 8

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Transferring Yanli to Lanling was no easy task, as the Wens were still pretty much everywhere. But the time you came back neither Wei Ying or Jiang Cheng were back.

So Lan Y/n can only wait, waited for three and a half days before leaving to hopefully find them.

They did not come back, so went out on a search to find them both. She found Jiang Cheng and asked the whereabouts of Wei Ying, but found nothing.

Not far from the where she was standing with Jiang Cheng, she saw a blood trail that leads elsewhere.
She followed it to see where it leads. But to a place she never thought she would see. The burial mounds.

A ancient battlefield, and the place with the most resentful energy that she has ever seen. "This place...! He can't be here! He won't survive unless he...!."

Coming to the realization to the only way of getting absorbing the resentment and control it to get out alive, for Wei Ying it would break his body.

Jumping down without a second thought as she now is a spirit she can withstand the resentful energy pressure and power, walking around to see if she can spot Wei Ying anywhere.

Lan Y/n found him, but he was already laying down broken. "Wei Ying. Wei Ying! Wake up!" She tried to shake him awake.

He didn't move but his face made it clear that he was in distress. Lan Y/n decided to move him somewhere until he could wake up.

"Ugh..." He already begin to stir.

"Wei Ying..."

"Ugh...where am I...."


"Wei Ying, are you ok now?" Lan Y/n asked.

"Yeah...but what are you doing here...wait! Where are Jiang Cheng and Shijie?! Are they ok?!"

"They are fine, calm down."

Lan Y/n explained everything to Wei Ying, and telling him the truth of where she went and now she is a spirit. Wei Ying accepted her the way she is and let her teach him how to control the resentful energy, now that he has no core it's somewhat easier.

A couple months later he could control the energy well, but still not completely. He heard about the treatment of the Wen clan towards all the others, they both decided it was time for revenge.

Getting to the battlefield both standing up top the building, Lan Y/n with her Guqin and Wei Ying with his flute. Playing both at the same time to control the corpses that are below, Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan both looked stunned.

They're hair were blowing in the wing along with their robes, shadows covering the faces and eyes glowing in the dark.

The fire turned green as the corpses begin to attack the Wens only. Continuing until only Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu are left, cornering them. Jumping down from the building they were on and landing right in front of the two.

Wen Zhuliu ran towards them, but only got flung backwards but Wei Ying then using the resentful energy to strangle and kill him.

Lan Y/n looked over to see Wen Chao backing away. "Tch Tch Tch, when a lap dog does all the work you the master is more worthless than them." She spoke.

Looking over to the male beside her. "Get rid of him." She said to him. Wei Ying nodded with a smirk as his eyes glowed red, lifting up his flute to once again play the haunting melody.

Controlling the corpses to his will, making the corpse of Wang LingJiao to kill Wen Chao. This made both demonic cultivators smile in satisfaction. This is what they wanted for so long, now they finally get what they wished for.

The others on the battlefield were stunned by this performance as no one has ever dared to use demonic cultivation before. But they did recognize voices.

"That voice..!"

"Could it be? No...she's dead. Long dead." Wangji said to himself, calming down. But Jiang Cheng on the other hand wasn't so stable.

Recognizing the robes and red hair ribbon that he wore so often it's easy to know who it was, he walked closer and closer to the two minding his step and being on guard.

"Wei WuXian?" The called out male turned around to face his martial brother.

His red eyes turning back to his original hues, showing that his has calmed down. Lan Y/n pulled up her hood, due to Wangji being here. She didn't want him to be mad at her for not turning up sooner.

Hiding her golden eyes from view while Jiang Cheng talked to Wei WuXian, she toned out they're conversation while she was staring from under the hood at her brother. He was looking right back at her. And by the looks of it, he has already guessed it was her.

They're family's detection skills were high, especially Wangji. He always knew the truth from one look at them, and it seems he already uncovered what is under the hood.

He did say anything of course as from reading the situation they were in, it wasn't the best place.

Wei Ying decided to go back with Jiang Cheng to Lotus Pier, while she decided to wander the lands.
Jiang Cheng then approached her.

"My Lady. We are gonna clear out more Wen Clans camps. Will you continue to do as well?" He asked.

"Jiang Zongzhu. I would but, my work here is done. I only wished to accompany Wei Gongzi until he found his family again. I will be taking my leave now." She said Bowing, then turning on her heel to walk away.

"Wait!" Jiang Cheng yelled out to her, stopping her in her steps.

"Lotus Pier will always be in debt to you! You saved my brother, so please."

She only nodded before walking away.

Getting away into the forest nearby, enough for her to take off her hood. Then taking out a talisman to summon a portal.

The portal showed a mountain on a island.

"Time to pay the sealands a Visit."

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