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Anthony was stunned to find the dizzying number of carriages crowding around Bridgerton House. He stepped out of his carriage, Berbrooke behind him, as he gazed around the surrounding suitors letting themselves into the residence.

"What is happening?!" Berbrooke demanded. Anthony just looked at him and didn't bother to answer, taking long and determined strides toward his house.

Making his way in, he shoved his hat to the nearest servant amd made a beeline towards the stairs. The suitors could not have been for Daphne, for she was to marry Berbrooke. Could Eleanora have started her debut early?

"When you said you would be taking me to your family, I expected to be the only one present! I wore my satin knee breeches for the occasion!" Berbrooke called from behind Anthony, barely keeping up with him as the viscount climbed up the stairs by two.

"Move!" Anthony yelled as he pushed aside someone carrying up an inordinately large bouquet of flowers, before entering the drawing room. "Dear god," he muttered to himself as he took in the ridiculous number of suitors in the room waiting to speak to Daphne. He had to swat away another bouquet that got uncomfortably close to his face as it passed by.

Berbrooke caught up to Anthony, and started walking towards Daphne. "I shall speak to my soon to be-"

"No, Lord Berbrooke. You must go," Anthony decided, putting an arm out to stop the lord from walking any further.

"You said you wanted this handled quickly," Berbrooke hissed. "You gave me your word."

"And I intend to keep it. You're the only man who proposed, therefore the only one I considered. This is nothing more than a terrible confusion. For now you must go, along with everyone else."

After shutting the doors on the last of the suitors, Anthony turned to Daphne and his mother, giving them both equally stern looks. "I should like to know what is going on."

"I would like to know the very same," Violet said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Perhaps we might begin as to why you chose to interrupt such an exquisite morning."

"Because she is already engaged to be married," Anthony said matter-of-factly, pointing to Daphne.

"The duke has already asked for your hand?" Violet asked Daphne, immediately beaming with hope.

"I am not engaged, Mama," Daphne denied. "Has anyone truly proposed to me? No. Have I proposed to anyone else? I do not believe I have."

"Do not be disrespectful, Sister," Anthony chastised.

"Disrespectful?" she repeated with a humorless laugh. "I cannot imagine a greater show of disrespect than promising me to Nigel Berbrooke."

"Anthony! Tell me you did not," Violet interjected, pointing a finger at her eldest.

"He's a fine choice, I looked into him," he defended.

"You promised your sister to that man?!"

"Not well enough, apparently," muttered Daphne.

Anthony turned to her. "What?"

"Does not matter. I now have many choices indeed. I do not need-"

"You have suitors," Anthony corrected. "You do not have what matters: proposals. Except, of course, from Lord Berbrooke."

"Whatever happened to his eye?" Violet asked. "It's quite grotesque. Daphne has charmed a duke, Anthony. You must know that changes everything."

"Please do not tell me this little rebellion has to do with Hastings."

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