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His breathing ceased to shake, but it was now Anthony's hands that shook as he gripped the bouquet of tulips he would gift Eleanora.

He stopped at the doorway to her room, and the door was open. He could see her laying in her bed from the reflection of the mirror, and with a deep breath, Anthony stepped in.

"Anthony," Eleanora acknowledged, sitting up and giving a small smile.

"I am glad to see you're awake," he said, his voice quivering.

Just the sight of Eleanora cause him to experience overwhelming emotions, causing the urge to cry. Anthony pursed his lips and placed the tulips on a side table.

"Tulips. My favorite," Eleanora noted, smiling ever so little. "Your mother told me it was you who found me and brought me back safe. I couldn't believe how you were feeling when you saw me take that fall." She paused, shifting uncomfortably on her bed. "Was there something else?"

Anthony swallowed, feeling the ringbox in his pocket, which felt like the weight of the world in that moment. "I wanted to see you the morning after." He didn't elaborate, knowing that Eleanora knew what he was referring to. "I wanted to speak with you in order to apologize. You deserved so much more than that. I took liberties. I did not want it to happen like that."

Eleanora noted Anthony's stammering and questioned what he wanted to say that was making it difficult for him to speak.

"I came to apologize-"

"You already said that-"

"And to ask you to marry me," Anthony interrupted, determination in his voice.

Eleanora was stunned. She only managed to blink at the viscount.

"Eleanora Fitzwilliam," Anthony began, pulling out the box from his jacket. "I'm here, and I'm asking-"

"What?" she managed to croak out. She was already stunned at the fact that Anthony used her full name.

"I'm asking-"

"I do not need you to ask me anything," Eleanora insisted, putting a hand up.


"I am going to the Americas!" Eleanora interjected. "The moment I resolve everything with the Sharmas, I am leaving the country. It is decided."

She looked up to search for Anthony's reaction, but his mouth was agape and his face was hard to read. Eleanora swallowed, not knowing what Anthony could be thinking that very moment.

Anthony slowly closed the ringbox and covered it with his hand, shaking his head slowly. "You are running away."

Eleanora looked at the viscount in shock at his accusation. "I request that you leave my room," she said, her eyes watering and her feelings hurt.

Anthony stood his ground, his jaw tensing.

When she saw that he refused to move, she insisted, raising her voice, "Go!"

The viscount closed his eyes and shook his head before finally leaving the room. When Eleanora decided that he was far away enough, she began crying. What a foolish decision she just made. But she felt it was the right one. It had to be, right?

As Anthony walked down the hall, his heart shattered into a million pieces. He was mad at Eleanora for not accepting his proposal, but furious at himself for believing in the first place that she would say yes.


    Eleanora strolled around Bridgerton House, hoping that the small action of walking would help ease her mind.
"Nora! You shouldn't be walking!"
Eleanora turned around to the sight of Benedict. He strided over to her and proceeded an attempt in shepherding her back upstairs.
"I am feeling much improved, Benedict!" Eleanora protested, swatting his arm lightly. After a beat, her eyes softened. "Walk with me, please?"
"Of course," Benedict said, offering his arm. Eleanora accepted it and they began strolling through the halls.
"Quite frankly, spending a week in bed has made me feel the most rested I've felt in years," Eleanora thought aloud.
"Certainly has been a strenuous season," the second eldest noted.
Eleanora's eyes widened at the thought, knowing full well Benedict was right.
Just then, Humboldt approached the two. "Miss Edwina is here to see you, ma'am."
Eleanora narrowed her eyes and exchanged a look with Benedict. She gave him a small pat on the arm. "You must excuse me."
She followed Humboldt to the foyer, where Miss Edwina stood. Eleanora's knees went weak, worried of what Edwina came to confront her about - actually, she fully knew what the diamond wanted to say.
"Miss Fitzwilliam," Edwina greeted, giving Eleanora a small smile. "I am glad to see that you are up and about."
"I am glad of the very same thing," Eleanora said, folding her hands together in front of herself. She looked down at herself and motioned at her nightgown and robe. "You must forgive my appearance, I was not expecting any visitors."
"My family and I, and Lady Danbury were very anxious over the week after we found out what had happened," Edwina began, nodding sympathetically. "The whole time, I was hoping for your recovery, and now that that is clearly a success, I have a few queries for you."
Eleanora had to refrain from widening her eyes, and instead shifted her weight uncomfortably. "Would you be more comfortable talking in the drawing room? I can have a maid prepare us tea."
"Tea won't be necessary," Edwina decline politely, as the two made their way into the drawing room and took a seat. Edwina took a deep breath. "Was there always something between you and the viscount?"
Once again, Eleanora had to ignore the urge of widening her eyes. The answer to that question was very loaded, where would she possibly begin?
"Were you lying to me all along?" Edwina asked, barely letting Eleanora process her first question.
"I was lying to myself," Eleanora managed, not knowing where to continue her explanation from there.
"You and the viscount had known each other in your childhood, yes? Was there something there at the time, too?"
Eleanora couldn't help but let out a short laugh uncomfortably. "You must understand, Miss Edwina, that was fifteen years ago, and I can barely recall what I had for breakfast this morning . . . Possibly? But we were developing adolescents, hormones were raging, affections for each other was almost inevitable at that stage in our lives."
"Once you realized, why didn't you tell me?" Edwina demanded. "Why wait for me to put it together on my own like a fool?"
"I thought those feelings could be denied! That if I could shove them inside me deep enough, they would never resurface. But . . ."
"They were too strong," the diamond concluded.

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