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"Unbelievable!" Eleanora groaned, handing the latest Whistledown pamphlet to the nearest staff member that passed by her.

The whole household was in a chaotic rut to get ready for their holiday out to the country in Aubrey Hall, and staff members were bustling around, arranging luggage and transporting them to the carriages.

Dodging a few loads of luggage coming her way, Eleanora met with Anthony in the foyer. "Did you read what Whistledown wrote as of late?!"

"No, of what?" he asked absentmindedly, making sure everything for their holiday was in order.

She took a large step in front of Anthony to get in the way of his path. "Of us, Anthony. That woman believes us to be preparing ourselves a scandal amongst our own separating courtings. Can you believe that?"

"I do believe it, yes," he retorted, forcing eye contact with her.

"I beg your pardon-?"

"Not of the scandal, Nora, I mean of Whistledown having the audacity of suggesting one!" Anthony pointed out before moving past Eleanora, who let out a bitter groan.

Too busy watching Anthony storm off in haste, Eleanora walked in the opposite direction, before making forceful contact into a muscular chest. She looked up to find Lord Price with a crooked smile, who was awkwardly trying not to get in everyone's way in the foyer.

"Lord Price!" she said in surprise, face immediately flushing from slamming into him.

"I hope I'm not causing too much trouble," he said, holding his top hat in his hands.

"We are preparing to leave for Aubrey Hall, that's all," Eleanora explained, motioning to the bustling staff members.

"I was hoping to go out and promenade with you in the park, but I see there would be no time for that," Daniel confessed.

"As much as I would have loved that, I'm afraid that you're right," Eleanora admitted, pursing her lips. "Perhaps I shall take you up on that offer when we return from the country?"

"That would be splendid." With that, Price placed a soft kiss to Eleanora's cheek. The action caused Eleanora physically  incapable to react, only with her eyes widened and mouth agape, frozen in the foyer. Lord Price exited the residence with a chuckle, and Eleanora placed her fingers over where he had kissed her.


"Sister!" Francesca beamed, as the Duchess of Hastings entered the Aubrey Hall drawing room, with her bouncing baby in hand.

"I am so pleased you were able to come!" Violet said cheerfully, as she, Franscesa, and Hyacinth stood up to welcome Daphne.

"As if I would allow dear Augie to miss out on watching his mother win the little family tradition," Daphne said as she bounced her son up and down while the women of the family cooed at the infant. "Second year in a row, if I might add," Daphne smirked, eyeing Gregory, Colin, Benedict, and Anthony.

"Charming words from a duchess," Benedict taunted, making Eleanora smile from beside Anthony.

"Lest you all forget that with some beginner's luck, I might win at pal mal this year," Eleanora chimed in, nudging at Anthony before joining the women in crowding around Augustine.

"Come and see the baby, Eloise," Francesca called to her sister, who had her nose in her book on the other side of the drawing room.

"Why? Has he changed since I saw him last?" Eloise retorted.

"He's at least grown an inch, haven't you?" Daphne cooed, before handing Augustine to Violet.

Anthony made exaggerated faces to get the baby's attention from afar before Eloise was forced into holding him. "There we go," Violet beamed.

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