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"Well, you seem more chipper than usual," Anthony said to Eleanora, as they both were out in the beating hot sun at another picnic. She internally wished that it wouldn't go sour like the picnic in the park did.

"Must have been the emotions that came along with the wedding," Eleanora teased. "You know, my lord, after all the years you've known me, do you really expect me to consistently act like a bad apple?"

"Yes," Anthony said curtly, just to get a reaction from Eleanora.

A glass clinked repeatedly and the two turned their heads to the source, which was Colin, standing next to Miss Marina Thompson.

"May I have everyone's attention?" he requested from the surrounding guests. Everyone became quiet and all eyes were on the two. "I would like to make a small but rather important announcement. I have happy news to impart." It even seemed that even Mother Nature stayed quiet, because it appeared the breeze halted. Hearing a pin drop, if it were to happen, would require no effort. "I have asked Miss Marina Thompson to be my wife, and she has accepted."

Eleanora clapped her hands together in pure joy. "Isn't this just wonderful!"

She turned to Anthony, waiting for him to agree with her. His reaction stayed neutral, and so did Violet's; quite the opposite of everyone else.

"What is it, why aren't we celebrating?" Eleanora asked, switching her gaze from Anthony to his mother in worry.

"Did you know about this?" Anthony asked Violet.

Before his mother said anything, she fabricated a smile. "People are looking, dear. Congratulate the happy couple."


Anthony slammed the door to his study, retreating back to his desk. "You barely know the young lady. What on Earth were you thinking?!"

"I was thinking you'd respond like this and how little I would care to hear," Colin retorted from his seat in the arm chair, hands clasped in his lap.

The eldest Bridgerton hovered over Colin. "Do you think this is a joke? Poor Mother was beside herself!"

"Mother seems perfectly happy to me, she congratulated us!"

Anthony narrowed his eyes. "So, you compromised this young lady?"

"Certainly not. I am a gentleman."

"Then why ever would you-"

'Why does anyone marry, Brother?" interjected Colin, throwing his hands in the air. "For love, of course."

"Look, I know you are still rather green, and that is my fault," Anthony admitted. "I should have taken you to brothels when you returned home from Eton." He paced, finally sitting in his chair behind his desk. "If this is simply a matter of wetting your wick-"

"You really are an ass, do you know that?!"

"This is what comes of not sowing your wild oats! Proposing to the first chit you set your cap at!"

Colin stood up. "Enough! You insult me and you insult my intended. It is not my fault, nor Marina's, that you cannot fathom true attachment."

This hit a nerve for Anthony. His younger brother assuming he knew more about love than himself!

"You are still a child, Colin."

"I'm older than Daphne and you were happy to marry her off," Colin argued.

"It is not the same and you know it," Anthony said, attempting to keep his composure.

"I know nothing of the sort."

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