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"Is this not lovely?" Violet said rhetorically, gazing around at the Queen's luncheon with a smile, with Hyacinth and Gregory under each arm like a protective mother bird.

"The decorations are too bright," Eleanora said, loud enough for Anthony to hear, making him snort.

"All of us together again," Violet continued with the brightest smile.

"Lovely indeed," Colin said flatly. "We should tempt scandal more often."

"Make way!" announced Queen Charlotte, parting the crowd surrounding the Bridgertons as if it were the Red Sea. "Must you all act like sheep flocking to the trough?"

All the Bridgertons bowed and curtsied in her presence. Chills send a thrill down Eleanora's spine everytime she was in the Queen's presence. The Queen approached Daphne and Simon, asking of them when they would begin having children. After receiving a satisfying answer, she walked past them with a smirk and once again everyone bowed or curtsied.

"That never gets old," Eleanora said to Anthony, tightening her grip on his arm.


"Evening, Your Grace," Anthony greeted, entering the gentlemen's club. "It's funny meeting you here."

"I am utterly comical," Simon said flatly, taking a sip from his glass.

"You've been avoiding me," accused the viscount.

"Now you are being the jester."

"If you're not avoiding my company, you don't mind if I join you for a drink?" Anthony said, putting his hands on his hips before taking a seat across from the duke.

"It's a fine color," Anthony admired once he received his drink, gazing at the glass. "And the bubbles . . ." He took a sip. "Just right," he sighed in a satisfied manner. "Don't get me wrong, I love a good brandy. But sometimes, nothing will do but a beer."

"Would you just get to the point?" Simon snapped.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do."

"You're correct, I do," Anthony admitted. "Just like I know you've obviously made a considerable error with my sister."

"How, may I ask, could you infer that I was the one to make the error?" Simon questioned.

"Well, I know my sister quite well. And, while she is an unusually capable woman, she is not capable of fucking up this severly."

Simon glared at him. "Do you lot ever get tired of pretending to be so perfect? It's exhausting just watching you."

"We may not be perfect, but at least we keep our promises-"

"You know nothing of my commitments," Simon interrupted. "I'm trying to be a man of my word. I am trying to keep . . . I wouldn't expect you to understand."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that you leave a litany of broken promises behind you everywhere you go. Your duty to protect Daphne from Nigel Berbrooke? Or what about your reckless affairs, are you still seeing that opera singer you believe no one knows about?"

"I stopped seeing her," Anthony stated. "You were right when you said Eleanora was eventually going to find out, so I ended things with Miss Rosso."

"You ended it because it was the right thing to do or because Eleanora found out?" Simon pointed out.

"You judge me, yet you cannot possibly understand the responsibility of heading a family because you've never had one," Anthony retorted, avoiding Simon's former question.

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