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That following afternoon, as Edwina and Anthony went on their promenade along the lake with the rest of the ton present there, Eleanora did not expect an invitation from Lord Price to promenade with her that day also. What she also didn't expect was that they were to promenade along the lake, where Viscount Bridgerton and his soon to be viscountess would be, too.

"It is fine weather we are having, Miss Fitzwilliam, is it not?" Daniel asked.

Eleanora's eyes widened momentarily, thinking back to when Anthony had asked that very same question earlier that day. She tightened her grip around Lord Price's arm.

"Lovely weather indeed, my lord," she answered, forcing a smile.

Meanwhile, as Anthony was promenading, he didn't expect to find Eleanora doing just the same. The sight of her with Lord Price caused his nostrils to flare and his jaw to tense. How she looked at him, the way she smiled at his jokes, how she would lean ever so slightly in his direction as they walked.

Violet approached Anthony and Edwina, starting conversation with them. The viscount, too, felt the need to smile ever so brighter and laugh ever so louder in the company of his diamond, hoping to catch the attention of Eleanora.

"Miss Fitzwilliam, I suggest we take a turn about the lake," Daniel suggested, motioning his free arm to the lake and all the long and fancy boats that cascaded through the water.

"I would be honored to accompany you, my lord," Eleanora said, staying by the lord's side as they made their way to the dock.

Though unfortunately, to get to the dock the couple would have to make their way past Violet, Anthony, and Edwina, which was the last thing Eleanora wanted to do. She and Lord Price nodded politely towards the trio as they headed towards the dock.

"What a handsome couple they make," Edwina noted as the two walked past.

"Pardon me?" Anthony asked after a beat, pausing too long. He was too busy admiring Eleanora in the sun and wishing that Lord Daniel Price wasn't the one escorting her to the lake. Anyone but Price.

"Lord Price and Miss Fitzwilliam, of course!" Edwina said with a giggle. "I noticed he was quite smitten her the last time they met. Over tea earlier today, Miss Fitzwilliam told me of the unfortunate news she will leave for the Americas after the wedding. Perhaps he will convince her to stay in England!"

Just the thought of them traveling together, alone, unsupervised, and unmarried, made Anthony's hands wants to ball up into fists.

"She barely knows the gentleman," Anthony pointed out. His eyes were like daggers as he watched Eleanora socialize with Price by the water, and smiling in a way that he hasn't seen Eleanora do in a long time.

The sun practically made her emerald dress shimmer, with silver hemming stitched into it that complemented her complexion, making her beauty all the more a bold statement. She had slight crinkles in the corners of her eyes, of course not from age - but from pure joy . . . Joy that Anthony wanted to gift Eleanora, not Price.

"Nor did I you, at first," Edwina said, turning to Violet. "But love moves swiftly, does it not?"

"Miss Edwina, you must tell me your favorite colors, so I may plan to incorporate them in the ornamentation for your engagement ball," Violet said, taking Edwina's hands into hers.

The conversation between the two women in front of Anthony drifted to the back of his mind, for he was far too focused watching Price and Eleanora. What was it that she sees in the man? He's a traveler, and that's all that accompanies as his personality.

Anthony watched as Daniel's hand took Eleanora's, assisting her into the boat. He rowed her out, and the viscount could hear the genuine laughter from Eleanora as she sat across from Price out on the lake.

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