(S2) ~10~

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All throughout the offseason, Eleanora was jittery about the upcoming social season where she would debut herself into society. Anything could happen. She could find a husband, or be shunned by the ton for her age and previous marriage history.

She could feel Madame Delacroix's measuring tape circle her waist, her shoulders being measured, every body part being measured; but her debut preparation felt almost fictional. Eleanora faced the mirror, looking into her reflection blankly while on the platform, as Delacroix circled around her to make sure her measurements were up to date and nothing was out of place.

Meanwhile, Violet stood beside her, gazing happily at Eleanora, possibly the only person actively looking forward to Eleanora's season. Eloise was near the back of the measuring room, arms crossed, and occasionally groaning to make vocal how she would rather be anywhere else than in the Modiste; for she too, would get her measurements updated and, as an addition, get her hems lengthened for her debut.

Eleanora could not help but think back to what Anthony said the day Colin left for his travels. He too will be looking to marry this coming season - except he was not in search of love. Eleanora's intentions were quite the opposite, but she was not as confident in her goal as Anthony was in his.

"And what colors were you hoping to have your gowns in, ma chérie?" Madame Delacroix asked, snapping Eleanora deep from her thoughts of Anthony.

Eleanora turned to the designer, eyes full of determination (something that Eleanora had rarely felt before). "Emerald," she emphasized.

She was not confident about the outcome of the social season, but she was confident about one thing: she looked damn good in a deep green. Only, she hadn't focused on that color for her wardrobe in the past, because why should she? She had not been looking to impress anyone at the time.

"Ah, how très parfaite! Very excellent choice," Delacroix praised, beaming her smile at Eleanora and the Bridgerton ladies.

She left the room, returning back with samples of fabric of infinitely different shades of emerald. Eleanora picked a few, finally smiling for the first time in the past few months.

"You will look stunning, my dear," Violet beamed, rubbing Eleanora's arm assuringly.

"Not only that, she will catch the eye of every suitor in the ton," Delacroix chimed in, giving a quick wink to the women.

With a satisfied sigh and a positive turn to her day, Eleanora stepped off the platform, gesturing for Eloise to have her turn. "I believe it is now time for the potential diamond to make her way to get her hems lengthened," Eleanora said teasingly. Eloise rolled her eyes, unable to hold back a smirk.

As Eleanora stood beside Violet, she couldn't help but glance at her, and how grateful she was that Violet had been such a caring figure for the last year or so. She somewhat reminded Eleanora of her own mama, which made her evermore closer with the viscountess. She missed her mama dearly, and loved Violet Bridgerton like family. Living with the Bridgertons, she is certain they feel the same about her.


Eleanora, Eloise, and Violet returned from the Modiste and busied themselves around the house, while Eleanora glued herself to a chair in the drawing room, working on her needlework.

Anthony entered, barely batting an eye at the trio of women that morning because they were in such a rush to run their errands. He was also busy in his own way preparing for the season. It was something he felt would complete his preparation: a simple shave and haircut from his barber.

The floor creaked under Anthony's steps, making Eleanora look up at the source of the sound. "Oh, great heavens," she said flatly, narrowing her eyes at his face and the change in appearance. "Have your sideburns run off to join the circus?" After a moment, Eleanora looked down, attempting to hide a chuckle from her own joke.

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