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My phone has been ringing none stop from my father and mother with a million texts from them. I sat there on the table and waited for the artist to finish drawing a portrait of her. Its was looking more alive. It was a painting of the dream that iv dreamt.
Artist: this is a beautiful scenery
I looked at the almost finished canvas
Me: Yeah
Artist: she looks beautiful
Me: Thank you.
We were silent as I watched each detail coming to live . Sbo walked in and empty hand.
Me: Are you not suppose to have something for me?
Sbo: She is off the grid Smanga
Me: what you mean?
Sbo: I mean she has no digital footprint. All I have is her name.
Me: What her name?
Sbo: Kalechi!
I looked at my personal guard/business partner and friend.
Me: Huh?
Sbo: yep, no picture, no last name, no schooling history. Hack I cant even tell you how old she is.
Me: Where did you get the name?
Sbo: The family guide Mama J
Me: How did you get her to tell you
Sbo: I walked in her house and all she said was " tell Smangaliso that her name is Kalechi, and good luck on your investigation "
Me: Two weeks... two long weeks and that all you could come up with?
Sbo: am afraid so
Me: You gotta to be kidding me
Sbo: I wish I was
We looked at the artist in silence.
Sbo: I can go to the kingdom and find out if she there yet.
Me: as if my father wont see us snooping. Its fine ill deal with it when I get there. For now do we have any work that needs to be done this side?
Sbo: Nope nothing. Am just going to go to the clubs and collect cash and see if we still packed on the goods.
Me: You can stay this side for a while
Sbo: and miss an opportunity of meeting your wife, the new Queen. Hell no. We going home.
Me: sometimes i wonder who the boss between you and I.
He laughed looking at the portrait.
Sbo: I wouldn't be worried about my dreams if she the woman that you been dreaming about. Instead ill be doing crazy shit to her.
We both laughed.
Me: You crazy
Sbo: I can't wait for us to get home.

We drove in the most beautiful house ever. It was like a picture perfect house with a beautiful lawn, Morden yet old and homey. By the steps I saw there was the old couple and a younger couple and a boy about 17 years old. Lord please don't tell me am married to a child. I felt sharp tears sting my eyes and I took a deep breath as the door opens and I smiled. I had a black head wrap on my head and I was wearing a black dress and white sneakers and a denim jacket. The family had warm smiles as they welcomed me. I smiled and looked at them taking in they kindness.
Old lady: I hope you had a safe journey.
Me: Long but nice
Old man: We glad you here in one peace.Meet my daughter Sinothando and her Husband Khaya. This is my youngest Sandile. We shake hands as they smiled at me.
Old lady: Ill like to apologise on my older son behalf his stuck in london on a meeting but he will be here soon.
I smiled in relief learning there is an older son,making him my husband.
Old lady: Come on in.
We walked in the beautiful home. Just by the stairs a lady in a black suite stood there.
Old lady: Meet Luyanda. She is your personal assistant. Anything you need she will help you with. She is to accompany you in all your meetings and everywhere you go. For now she will help you get settled in and will give you time to get to know each other before dinner.
I nodded and Luyanda walked me up a flight of stairs as we were both silence leaving the family below. We walked to the end of the hall and she punched in a code opening a door that lead a way  to a house in a house. I stood there wowed. I let go of a long breath that I was holding. She looked at me.
Me: I don't know how this works
Luyanda laughed a nervous laugh.
Luyanda: me too.
Me: oh good, my name Kalechi
Luyanda: nice to meet you
Me: Me too, I didn't even know ill need a PA
Luyanda: Queens tend to have busy schedules
Me: I figured. Have you meet my husband?
There was silence as she looked at me.
Luyanda: Yes
Me: Anything I might need to know?
She looked at me.
Luyanda: Mind if I speak honestly
Me: yes
Luyanda: No one really knows the king. He keeps to himself, never done an interview with the local paper. We see glimpses of him here and there. The only thing we know is he loves his people and does everything in his power to make sure that we are taken care off. In the two years his been king. New hospitals have been built, tar road, wells, some homes have taps, bridges and he has opened a farming programme just two weeks ago and we excited about the new school his about to build too.
Me: sounds like a remarkable man
Luyanda: What he does for his people is remarkable.
Me: how did you get this job?
Luyanda: My aunt came home and told us the Queen looking for a woman who has an administration certificate to be your assistant and this morning 30 of us were here did the interview and I was selected. And working for the royal home is a privilege for us.
Me: I see
We both were quite
Me: I hope we work well
Luyanda: we will.
Me: What time is dinner
Luyanda: 6pm
I looked at the watch. Its 16:00. I have 2 hours before so i can nap for an hour than change.
Me: Please come get me at 17:45.... oh what time you knock off?
Luyanda: whenever you don't need me.
Now that took me back.
Me: Uhm.... okay and you been here since?
I smiled at her.
Me: You can go home and share the news that you got a job and tomorrow at 8 am you can come to work. Rest and you don't need to be formal always. Smart casual will do.
She smiled a warm smile.
Luyanda: Thank you
Me: My pleasure. Now go home rest, ill manage to find the dinning area.
Luyanda: before you go.
We walked to the table where an ipad, iphone and apple watch was.
Luyanda: these are your gadgets and your phone has the numbers of all the people you will be working with closely. Ipad has your full schedule and the passcode of the house and doors. Your watch has the alarms sets for your meeting 15 minute before and these are the manuals of how to operate everything.
I smiled at her.
Me:Now i know why you were hired.
She laughed and walked out with a smile leaving me in this big house. This is going to be my life now? I walked around the house admiring the open space it has. I walked to the huge bedroom with the huge bed and looked at it welcoming state. I took my takkies off and my head wrap letting my long ass touching hair free and threw myself on it and before I knew it I was dead asleep....

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