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Its was 18:58 and he was here yet. I set the table and walked to the lounge found Segun with his kids laughing its really warmed my heart.
Me: Dinner is ready.
They walked with me to the dinning area just as Smanga and Sbo walked in holding flowers and two plastic bags.
Smanga: Am not late still 30 seconds before 7pm.
I walked to him and kissed his cheek. He handed me the flowers. I felt his aura changing to calmness just as I was about to ask if his good. He grinned and looked at the kids.
Smanga: I know I should have been here earlier on but I got you guys something.
Sizani: More things? Dad already told us that you paid for all our clothes. Thank you.
Smanga: Your dad is lying he paid for everything with his advance salary
Senzo: Advance salary?
Sizani: You know the money you get before you actually work.
Smanga: Yes smarty pants. So I couldn't help but get you guys these.
Senzo: What is it
Me: That will have to wait until after dinner kids. Now can we all eat.

Throughout dinner i watched my kids be kids. Talk laugh and have fun. I looked around the table and saw how the king and Queen gave them they whole attention and they loved it.
Sbo: Dont doubt yourself you doing great.
Me: they look really happy
Sbo: the Queen as that effect on people.
Me: Iv noticed.
Sbo: Want to bounce and watch soccer?
Me:Sure let me kiss them goodnight first. I
Me: Guys I have to go now.
Sizani: You dropping us off at school right?
Me: Yes
Senzo: Good.
They hugged me and I kissed them each on they heads and walked to the Queen.
Kalechi: See you in the morning when you picking them up.
Me: Yes. Thank you for everything. She touched my arm and I felt peace and ease in my heart
Kakechi: They amazing
Me: Yes.
Kalechi: See you tomorrow than.
I nodded and watched her interact with them. I walked out with Sbo

Me: What you mean?
Guard: I mean iv looked at the house all over there is no way we can kidnap her.
Me: What about if she leaves the house?
Guard: she has four guards with her and just today she has a new guard.
Me: Find a way
Guard: iv looked at this all angles and there is no way we can kidnap her before the celebration. Tomorrow more people are coming through the house and the media is coming in doing a live feed on a channel specifically for the wedding.
Me: what about after the celebration
Guard: can i speak freely
Me: Yes
Guard: I think its best you just let this go
Me: Why?
Guard: i spoke to a few locals and everyone is deeply loyal to they king and Queen and its said they have gifts.
Me: What gifts?
Guard: no one knows but its known they have
Me: gifts that no one knows what they are?
Guard: Looks that way
I looked at him thinking to myself what gifts can they have? Why is everyone so loyal to them. I guess ill find out tomorrow with my date with luyanda.

It was a hectic morning with getting the kids ready for school. Just as I was finishing up Segun walked in to take them after Sizani and Senzo gave me big hugs. I turned to Luyanda.
Me: What time is your date
Luyanda: in an hours time.
Me: you know you dont have to do this.
I watched as Smanga helped her with a bulletproof.
Luyanda: I know
Me: Good. Now let me bath and get ready the rooms ready for the guests and for my final fitting.
Luyanda: ill be back by then
Smanga: Don't rush it. Ill be here with her. And Sbo will be with you every step of the way.
Me: I still think this is a horrible idea. Just than there was a knock by the door I walked to find one of the helpers.
Me: Yes
Helper: There are visitors by the library waiting for you
Me: Me?
Helper: No the king.
Smanga: Did they say who they are?
Helper: Police!
Me: What you mean police?
Smanga: ill handle it. He left before I could even say anything. I took out my gown and ran upstairs grabbed a Jersey and jumped into his joggers and wore my shoes running out to the library with Luyanda right behind me.
Luyanda: Its probably nothing.
Me: Its something alright. I got there pushed the door just as they were cuffing Smanga. These were not random police officers these were soldiers
Smanga: its nothing.
Me: You in cuffs
Soldier: Its just protocol
Me: to randomly cuff a person in his home. We have an event in a days time. I felt the panic and I felt my eyes watery.
Me: Can I ask what this about
Soldier: Its classified.
They were taking him out to the car. I saw the senior king and Queen mother come by with everyone who was having breakfast in the main house.
Khaya: Ill get the legal team to come through.
Smanga nodded as they took him with. Segun was about to jump out of the car as I got in the passenger seat with Luyanda right behind me as we drove behind the car.
Me: Don't you have a date to attend?
Luyanda: It can wait.
She fished out her phone and typed. This can not be happening to me...

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