Insert 33

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I found luyanda sitting by the lounge with the ladies.
Me: Ill be back. Make sure she doesn't leave the house
She nodded and I left with the guys.
Me: I want them all found. Philipe, londeka and
his whole crew. If its means killing his father in Russia than do it. I want him dead as much as he wanted my family dead.
Sbo: I have one of our guys in Russia and they say it can be done in an hours time
Me: Make it so.
I left them walking to our gifts as they were enjoying the party. My brother in law and sister walked to me.
Khaya: We going to the hospital. The councillors wish to speak to you.
Me: where is Sandile?
Khaya: His with his friends. He doesn't know yet what has happened
Me: Keep so. I need you guys here ill check on our parents myself. They nodded and I left going to the place that that I knew Philipe And Londeka are renting.

I woke up with a fright and looked around and saw that I was alone. I wore my track pants and top rushed down the stairs found them sitting there talking.
Me: Smanga
Luyanda: I can call him
Me: He wont answer. His in trouble. I need to go now.
Luyanda: but he said....
I didn't let her finish her sentence as I walked out the back found Segun by the car already.
Segun: am coming with
Me: no guns?
Segun: No guns
He drove in silence.

I looked at Londeka something was wrong it was too quiet.
Londeka: what wrong?
Me: Its too quiet
She was silent for a while and she looked at me with fear in her eyes.
Londeka: What did you do?
She whispered with her voice shaking.
Me: nothing
She stood up looking at me with panic all over her face.
Londeka: What did you do dammit? I saw the fear in her eyes.
Me: You being worried for nothing his not going to know its me.
Londeka: You that did what?
Me: i poisoned his elders
Londeka: elders?
Me: Mother and father and his in laws
She screamed
Londeka: Are you fucken stupid? What did I tell you?
I was getting angry, iv never had anyone call me stupid.
Me: watch yourself
Londeka: We so dead. She rushed to the bedroom and started packing
Me: where you going?
Londeka: I dont want to de here when he kills us and just like that a bullet landed in between her eyes as she went down and I stood there frozen for a second as she went down like a bag of potatoes.

I left the gun there after shooting all his guards and londeka and walked slowly to his house. I knew where he was. I walked in and i heard gunshots shooting my direction so I ducked but continue to walk in.
Philipe: what you want Smanga
Me: You tried to kill my parents
Philipe: you stole my diamonds
Me: you were using my routes for it with permission
Philipe: Give me my diamonds and ill disappear.

My phone was ringing.
Smanga: Answer it
I looked at the screen and it was my sister. She never calls me unless its something important. I answered
Me: What up?
She was crying on the other end and all I heard was dad and mom and my two brothers were executed. My heart froze in its place as I clutched it and I looked up to find a lion right were I was hiding looking at me as if it has never eating in days. It dug its teeth into my neck ripping me into shreds as I felt my pulse slowly fading away.

When we reached the house i knew that they were dead and I stood outside as I saw Smanga walking out with blood all over him. I raised my hands creating a small fireball and threw it to the house as it caught light than helped Smanga into the car.
Me: You good?
Smanga: Yes
Segun starter the car and drove is in silence and got home and found everyone somber
Me: luyanda
She looked at me with so much pity
Me:What is it
She looked at Smanga
Me: Luyanda
Luyanda: Its your mother
Me: What about her?
She looked away with tears in my eyes as I touched her and heard the call from the hospital about my mother organs crashing due to the poison damage since she already had a heart condition. I felt my world spin as I went crushing down and I was surrounded by darkness...

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