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We got to the penthouse Sbo did the sweep and went to sleep and I waited for her to finish bathing than she grabbed one of my hoodies than got in bed. I shower and wore my sleeping pants. I got in bed. I pulled her closer to me and snuggled her.
Me: I promise, no more Buhle's
There was silence after a while she turned looking at me.
Kalechi: I know you had a life before me and sometimes the past will pop up now and than. So its okay am not angry at you but I swear I hate having my buttons pushed and I just learnt that the idea of you with another woman is a big no.
Me: Am only yours and yours only.
She smiled and snuggled closer to me and I kissed her forehead as she snuggled to sleep.

I was nervous on the drive to his friends house.
Me: So let me get this straight. You,sbo, danger and k-man were in the force together?
Smanga: Yes
Me: When you came back they came back with you?
Smanga: Yes
Me: Why?
They looked at each other as we walked down the drive thru to the house.
Smanga: We had the same vision
Me: Oh. I hope they like the gift.
Smanga: they will.

We ringed the bell and got in.
K-man: the ladies are in the kitchen. I walked her there and Palesa( danger wife) Nozi(k-man wife) and a few girls were there. Nozi being Nozi came and hugged me asI introduced Kalechi who smiled and I saw them exchange a hug.

The ladies were nice.
Nozi: You look amazing
Me: Thank you.
I handed her little gift I got them.
Nozi: Thank you.
Over small talk they prepared the last bits of food than we walked to the beautiful setting and more parents with they kids started coming over and the party begin. It was so much fun. When the party was over and the kids gone we were just chilling there outside the pool drinking and having chips.
Smanga: You good
Me: Yeah
I was sitting on his lap and I looked away to find everyone looking at us.
Nozi: I never thought ill see the day that Mr S is inlove
Palesa: Hard core Mr S
Me: Hardcore

I know I should have basically told her everything about me yesterday but I couldn't give her an information overload.
K-man: So you guys having a big ceremony
Kalechi: Well we were thinking of something a little un orthodox.
Nozi: Like
Kalechi: having a fairies weekend.
Nozi: Fairies?
Kalechi: people come with they families for the day dressed in a theme and play games, have lots of food and fun than at midnight we light fairies light. The Chinese ones.
Palesa: That is so beautiful.
Kalechi: so when we got everything sorted we will love to have you guys over for that celebration
Nozi: We will most definitely be there
Me: Can you guys give us a moment we will be back.
I kissed her cheek and left.

The ladies were really nice and we conversed.
Me: What you meant by hard core?
They both looked at each other.
Nozi: He was in the force with my husband so iv heard lots of stories about him.
I looked at her, i knew she was lying but I wasn't going to press her more.
Me: Oh i see, and your husband is K-man because?
Nozi: His love for knives
Me: Knives?
Nozi: Yep, he can throw a knife from a distance and kill you with it. So iv been told.
I turned to palesa.
Me: And danger?
Palesa: Everywhere he goes danger follows him.
Me:am guessing Smanga is just Mr S?
They nodded.
Me: I see. I really appreciate you guys hosting us and when you need a get away from the city. My home is always open for you.
Palesa: and they say royals are snobs
We laughed just as Smanga came back. I got up from the couch.
Smanga: ready to go?
Me: Yeah.
Nozi: Ill take you up on that offer your highness. I looked at her smiling  and I hugged her and a version of her sitting by the corner chained to a chair with lots of scars and marks all over her body as a big grumpy man whopped her as she screamed in pain. I stopped hugging her and looked at her with tears in my eye.
Nozi: you okay?
I dont know what made me lift up her sleeves and I saw the marks. I touched it and a strong version of her pulling herself from a chair as the rope went deeper into her skin cutting her.
She looked at me confused and scared.
Me: He beat you, tied you to a chair and made you give him a blow job choking you with his penis while electrocuting you?
I saw tears roll down her face.
Nozi: How did you? She looked at Smanga and He shocked his head no. I guess she was assuming he told me. I closed my eyes and I hugged her for as longest as I could and I saw every scar on her body that she had as a reminder of her journey. I prayed that God removes it from her. I wasn't much of a prayer warrior but I knew no one needed to be reminded of they horrible journey. When I felt content. I looked at her confused self and smiled.
Me: God never gives you things that you are not stronger then. Every person is born for a reason and have a purpose and right now you are fulfilling yours. Ill love for you to visit us one day.
Than i hugged her one more time. Whispered in her ear " tonight when you take a shower I hope my gift to you makes you happy"
She smiled with tears in her eyes and confusion and I walked to A super confused Smanga. We walked to the car and I noticed Sbo wasn't there.
Me: Sbo?
Smanga: They having a meeting he will be following. I nodded and sat there quietly thinking what had just happen to me.
Smanga: wanna talk about that weird hug that made Nozi cry and the tightness I felt in my chest?
Me: when we home.
Smanga: cool.
I looked at him and saw a bruises on his hands.
I moved my hand to touch him and he snatched he hand away.
Smanga: its nothing. There was awkwardness..

I was still in the basement with danger and we were cleaning up the mess that Mr S and K-man did.
Danger: I really never want to see those two in action
Me: Bra, the screams and cries were too much.
Danger: remind me to never make Mr S angry
Me: Yah neh.
We took the bodies and rolled them up in plastic and tapped them. We than began cleaning.
Danger: Does she knows about this side of him?
Me: nope.
Danger: why
Me: what do you expect him to say? Hi am a king but on the side am Mr S. S for sniper. And she will be like " why" and his like" my stupid friends were dishonourably discharged for dealing drugs and weapons and i was targeted to find them but when I did. Instead of killing them like how the government instructed me to do, i made friends with them, gave one of them a job as my right hand man and partner. Help them disappear in the face of the government oh and even faked they death than gave them new names. Now tell me how that conversation will go with Kalechi.
Danger: yeah you right. At least Nozi and Palesa understood
Me:because we come from the same world. Nozi had a deadbeat husband whopping her ass so k-man had to help her fake her death and marry her so it easy to change her name. Palesa was a dealer that stole from the most ruthless man. So what choice did she have
Danger: i know but she really seemed like a nice lady
Me: she is nice, funny too and deeply in love with him. Yes she knows about the best but that easily explainable. Now this?
I pointed to the two dead bodies.
Me: this is not easy to explain..
Danger: aint she the chosen one?
Me: bra she chosen cause of the beast in him not our bullshit. Now let clean up. I have a plan to catch later on. We cleaned up the bodies put them in the car and drove out to the woods and ditched them there than drove to the car wash and washed the car driving back to the house. We walked in to Nozi crying. K - man looking at us for help.
Me: wassup
K-man: Nozi says Kalechi healed her.
I looked at them confused.
Palesa: She had scars from her abuse all over her body and now she has none. Her body is as smooth as a baby bottom.
Me: let see your wrist. 
I knew her wrist cause I remember am the one that help untie her. She up her sleeves and there was not even a small mark.
Me: let all calm down and explain from the begining.

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