Clothes Don't Change The Centuries

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TW: Sensitive Topics (Rape, degrading)

Nico's POV:

"I deserve the crown! It's rightfully mine" I said, with barely contained rage.

"I've been alive for centuries. You deserve nothing from me. It's my birthright. I owe you nothing" Will, the king, said.

My name is Prince Nico Di Angelo. Will is the king of our country and he won't give me the crown. It is his crown but he promised he would give it to me. He promised!

"Guards! Take him away. Lock him up" Will said.

"No! Unhand me! I won't let him get away with this" I said.

They threw me into a jail cell and I banged my entire body against the bars. I've done my time and served my sentence. It's not fair. He promised it to me.

I don't want to be remembered as the one who stole the crown. I don't want to be famous or remembered for centuries like that monster up there.

He killed my village to win this territory. I'm one of the only ones that survived. My father survived but he couldn't handle losing my sister and mother. He left and I haven't seen him since.

"Prince Nico! Let me help you" Hazel, my most trusted servant, said.

"It's okay. He will visit me later. I'll get out of here and get my crown" I said.

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"Nico! I'm so glad you could join me for dinner! You are my very important prisoner after all" Will said.

Liar's settle into sockets flip the switch and watch them run. I didn't answer. I looked down at my shackled hands that were shackled to the table. I couldn't move.

"I could scream forever Nico. Answer me when I address you" Will said.

"I don't plan on talking much to you" I said.

"C'mon let me in. I know you dislike me and all but we can have so much fun together. I am so much more than royal. I can snatch your chains and mace your eyes with the wave of my finger" Will said.

"Then do it" I challenged.

Mortal kings ruling their castles like they are gods. He is no god. He is no good ruler either. He deserves a death penalty.

"Unshackle him. Leave us for a while" Will said to a guard.

I grabbed onto Will when I was unshackled trying to choke him. He threw me off easily and I blacked out. When I came to I was in the most beautiful room on a beautiful bed.

"You're awake" Will said.

I sat up trying to move but I was tied down to the bed. Naked. I screamed covering myself up. Will moved my hands gently and I felt tears gather in my eyes.

>Trigger Warning<

"Don't worry. I'll make sure it doesn't hurt" Will said.

"No! Stop! Please" I said, my voice cracking.

"I won't hurt you my little cherry blossom" Will said.

He pushed into me not caring about my tears and screams for help. Nobody came to help me. Most were probably too afraid to do anything.

>Trigger Warning End<

Will's POV:

"King Will! I have news. Prince Nico is sick" A guard said.

I excused myself from the meeting going to his chambers. He was throwing up into the bucket they provided. He looked up at me a fire burning in his eyes.

"I hope you know that people hate you. You're a liar and a false king" He said.

"I don't care what you have to say. You are to keep the child. Sit at my right hand and we can rule together" I offered.

"Fine" Nico agreed.

I helped him up getting him new clothes that were mine and he put them on gently. He wouldn't let me help him. I led him out to the court and we got married that day.

It's been almost nine months and Nico has a proper bump. The people were so happy about the child. I need an heir and Nico is perfect. He's just waiting to be used.

"King Will! It's Nico! He's gone into labor" A midwife said.

I followed her into the room. Nico was sweating and I went over to him. He pushed me away and I grabbed his hand forcefully.

He spent hours in labor and I waited with him like a faithful husband. He screamed a lot and hated me touching him.

They pulled the baby up blessing the baby and we checked. A little boy. I have an heir. Nico was pale and I held him close.

"You will give me however many children I want. You're my cherry blossom" I said.

Nico looked at our son and he breathed deeply smiling gently. I had never seen him smile. A midwife rushed over trying to save him. He wasn't breathing.

"King Will, Prince Nico didn't survive the birth. What will you name your son?" The woman asked.

"He will be named Rian" I said.

"A handsome name for a handsome prince" The midwife said.

"What would you like engraved on Nico's headstone?" The guard said.

"You're a cherry blossom you're about to bloom, you look so pretty but gone so soon" I said.

"It's poetic" The guard said.

"Yes it described our love for each other" I said, smirking slightly. It's all going according to plan.

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