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Will's POV:

"You're not allowed to die on me like this Nico" I said.

"I won't," Nico said.

"We have so much more living to do," I said.

I remembered all the good times we've had together. Our first meeting, our marriage, and when we found out about our little bundle of joy. All of it. Up until today. All of my days are good as long as I get to come home to Nico.

"Will! It hurts" Nico screamed, grabbing onto me.

"I've got you. I'm going to see what I can do to help" I said.

Nico closed his eyes grimacing in pain. I know it hurts. I have seen pain but nothing is more rewarding than bringing a life into the world. Nico's giving us a daughter and bringing a new life into our crazy world.

"Nico! I need you to stay with me! Sing something" I said, hitting and shaking him repeatedly.

He's not going to fall asleep on me. If he falls asleep on me he won't ever wake up again. Demigods are gathered outside. Friends. Chiron. They are all waiting. Waiting for good or bad news.

I know they are preparing for bad news. We rarely get good news. When we do we hold onto that happiness for as long as we can.

"You are my sunshine," Nico quietly sang.

"Yeah. Keep going" I said.

"My only sunshine," Nico continued singing.

Tears started forming in the corners of my eyes. It's one of the songs I used to sing to him a lot. We would dance inside our house to anything sunshine related. We even danced to it on our wedding day after Nico asked the DJ to play it.

He was softly stroking my cheek wiping tears away. I leaned down and kissed him. This is probably why families can't operate on their family. My siblings are helping others. I promised I would be able to help Nico and they continued to help the hurt people.

We had all fought against monsters that had been waiting outside the boarder. I helped Nico the entire time through contractions while others were getting hurt. Blackjack was with us just in case we had to get out of here fast. We had a new and improved chariot waiting that was pretty big.

It had a back so I wasn't worried. Nico screamed again and I gripped his hand. He squeezed my hand and I waited for his contraction to end. They are pretty much on top of each other.

"Keep singing sunshine" I said.

"You make me happy, when skies are gray," Nico's voice was barely audible.

I used to say gay instead of gray and it would make him laugh. I knew he thought about it because he smiled softly.

"Please don't take... my sunshine... away," Nico whispered.

I nodded and carefully he started pushing again. I need to help him and our daughter. This is no time for emotion. Aurora and him need my help. We decided to name her Aurora a long time ago. He loved the sound and name. I love it and I hope she will too.

Nico can't die. He's had a hard pregnancy. I know he has but he can't give up when he's so close. I won't let him give up.

"You can't give up when we are so close" I said, kissing him without letting him say otherwise.

"Will-" Nico started.

"You need to keep your vows to me. We promised. You of all people know how much a promise means. Who's going to keep your vows? You promised you would make me soup when I'm sick, kiss the places that ache after a long day at work, wash my hair when we shower together, and hold me close when it gets to be too much. What about that? Holding my face in your hands as you wipe my tears away with your thumbs. You've always been my shoulder to cry on" I said tears blurring my vision.

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