Chapter 18: Mischievous Mask & Runesmithing

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Last time Draven practiced his summoning training with the help of his father and Narberal. However Draven still struggles with trying to figure out how to act like a child. However he does seem to have a mask that he wishes to test out for unknown reasons.

Lupisregina was not amused in the slightest currently. She woke up to get ready for the day and could not find her hat anywhere within her wardrobe. A pair of red wolf ears that matched her hair Color twitched irritably on her head at the lose of her hat.

"I swear if this is another one of Entoma's pranks I'm going to strangle her!" Lupisregina growled in annoyance as she continued to make her way towards the dining room

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"I swear if this is another one of Entoma's pranks I'm going to strangle her!" Lupisregina growled in annoyance as she continued to make her way towards the dining room. "There you are Lupisregina, I was starting to wonder if you had woken up." Yuri said as she gave her sister a stern look. "Give me a break Yuri! I couldn't find my hat anywhere this morning! Do you know how-wait what happened to your glasses?" Lupisregina stopped her rant midway as she realized that the head maid was in fact missing her glasses.

           Yuri stepped forward and accidentally bumped into a chair given her eyesight was impaired without the aid of her glasses. "Yes, well it appears that belongings keep disappearing around Nazarick. Solution is missing a few of her daggers, Narberal cannot find her hair tie, CZ's scarf is gone, the list goes on unfortunately." Yuri explained as Lupisregina growled in annoyance at the news. "I swear when Entoma gets here I'm going to kill her!" Lupisregina snarled as she still believed this whole mess was their sister's doing. Another set of footsteps was heard as the other maids turned to see Entoma walk into the room, although she also seemed annoyed. Lupisregina marched up to her insect sister with a glare plastered across her face.

          "Alright Entoma, what did you do with our stuff?" Lupisregina growled in a demanding tone as she waited for the insect maid to answer her question. "Someone stole from all of you as well?" Entoma asked as everyone noticed the red rope that is usually tied around her waist was nowhere to be found. "It appears the guilty party may in fact be Aura and Mare, you know how she gets with her games." Solution said as she was ready to march off and interrogate the twin dark elves. "I wouldn't waste your time, I already went to them. Aura and Mare said they didn't have my bow, so it has to be someone else." Entoma said as she cleared the twins of any potential involvement or guilt in the act of stealing their belongings.

            "If it wasn't Entoma or the twins, we could very well have an intruder within Nazarick." Narberal said as all of the maids tensed up at the thought before anger set in. "So a little pest dares steal from us and potentially our master? I will enjoy devouring them." Solution said as a sadistic smile spread across her face and the other maids started pulling out their weapons. "You can't hurt them!" The rest of the battle maids turned to look at CZ in surprise as she was defending the thief in question. "CZ, why pray tell can we not punish an intruder that dare steal from our master?" Yuri asked as she gave her sister a rather stern gaze. "It's not an intruder, it's Lord Draven." CZ said as the rest of the battle maids went silent at the automaton's reveal as to who the thief was in reality.

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