Chapter 19: Journey into the Frozen Prison

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Last time we celebrated the holidays with the inhabitants of Nazarick and took a break from the approach to the end of this story's first half. Now we continue on Draven's journey as he continues to develop his skills in the field of magic.

Draven was genuinely wondering where his day had gone so wrong, currently he was wandering through the winter wasteland that was the fifth floor of the Great Tomb. "To think this entire snafu started with a simple snowball fight." Draven thought to himself as he remembered how Aura and Mare invited (kidnapped) him from his workshop to have a rematch snowball fight. Draven decided to humor the twins despite the previous snowball fight was a few months prior during the holiday event. "It's a good thing Albedo insisted I wear this winter gear she made for me, or else this situation would be significantly more unpleasant." Draven thought to himself as he looked down at the winter outfit that Albedo has made for him. It was a grey cloak with fur lining the inside, four lined boots, and a fur lined shirt.

           Draven looked around as the snow blew wildly around him making it difficult to see much of anything

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Draven looked around as the snow blew wildly around him making it difficult to see much of anything. "Father mentioned that every floor had structures or forms of contacting the other floors. Perhaps I can find Cocytus's place of residence." Draven mumbled to himself as he tightened held the poncho close to his body as his hands were covered by mittens. Draven trudged on through the snow as he hoped to find any form of shelter that could get him out of his dreadful snowstorm. "Why would the floor be designed to have naturally occurring snowstorms? I hope that Aura and Mare are not to concerned with our sudden separation." Draven thought to himself as he could only imagine the panic the twins were potentially going through due to them getting separated.

         As Draven continued to trudge through the snow and icy winds he saw the shadow of what appeared to be a building of some sort right in front of him. "Is that a mansion?" Draven thought to himself as he continued to approach the structure ever so slowly. After another twenty or minutes Draven finally made his way to the building and as he thought it was indeed a mansion in the middle of this icy wasteland.

 After another twenty or minutes Draven finally made his way to the building and as he thought it was indeed a mansion in the middle of this icy wasteland

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"This must be where Cocytus resides, it should hopefully have a way of contacting the other floors. If not at the very least it will get me out of this dreadful cold." Draven mumbled to himself as he pushed open the door as he set foot in the large snowy manor, gently closing the door behind him. It was rather dark in the mansion as Draven looked around for any sign of doors or Cocytus. Draven began to walk deeper into the the dark mansion, unaware of the potential danger he was currently in.

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