Chapter 3: Games and Knowledge

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Last time Draven met most of the Floor Guardians and started his new life in the Great Tomb of Nazarick! Now Draven must start his training to become a valued member of Nazarick!

Draven looked around the forest on the 6th floor of Nazarick, where Aura and Mare stood guard. Right now he was searching for the two dark elves, they had invited him to play hide and seek with them. Draven's first couple of weeks in Nazarick had been quite the experience. His father, Ainz had been teaching him all forms of magic and helping him learn to cast more advanced spells. Cocytus had taken up training him in physical combat, which has helped improve his body, which in turn helped him cast spells that actually lasted longer then a couple of minutes before dispersing.

Draven was pulled from his thoughts as he heard a sneeze from close by. Draven turned to look at a nearby tree before cracking a small smile. Draven pulled out his staff Crimson Moon, which his father had given to him as a gift to help further his magical abilities.

 Draven pulled out his staff Crimson Moon, which his father had given to him as a gift to help further his magical abilities

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Draven focused as he pointed the top of his staff at the tree. "Shadow Snatch." Draven whispered as the sphere floating in the center of the crescent moon began to spin. From the staff, a shadow that formed into a hand reached up into the tree and grabbed whatever was hiding up in the branches. The shadow hand pulled Mare out from the tree as he had an embarrassed look on his face. Draven set the dark elf back on his feet. "Well done Lord Draven." Mare said as he bowed to his master's child.

             Draven smiled at Mare before patting him on the back. "Now where could your sister be hiding?" Draven said as he heard a giggle come from deeper within the forest. Draven turned to look at Mare before putting his finger up to his lips as the two of them crept through the forest. Draven spotted rustling bushes as he assumed Aura was trying to make a run for it. Draven once again pointed his staff towards the forest as he focused. "Roots of Calamity!" Draven shouted as large roots shot out of the ground and wrapped around something. Draven and Mare walked up to where Aura was restrained by the roots.

"Going somewhere Aura?" Draven asked in a teasing tone as Aura gave him a playful glare. "That was a cheap tactic Lord Draven." Aura grumbled as she tried to free herself from the roots. "You were the one that wanted to see if I made any progress with my magic. So I believe you brought this upon yourself." Draven said as he undid his spell as Aura dropped to the ground. "Oh yeah? Well you brought this upon yourself!" Aura said as she wrapped her arm around Draven's neck and gave him a noogie. Draven tried to struggle out of Aura's grip.

Lord Ainz sat on his throne as he watched Draven and the twins playing in the forest with his Mirror of Remote Viewing. "Lord Ainz, is something wrong?" Albedo asked as she looked at the mirror to see Draven, Aura, and Mare playing with each other. "Oh how cute! It seems like Lord Draven has warmed up to Aura and Mare." Albedo said as she giggled at the children playing. "Yes they had come to me earlier in the day and requested if they could invite Draven to the forest." Ainz explained as he continued to watch his son.

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