Chapter 6: Narberal's chance at Redemption

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So last time we checked in and saw that Draven was making a rather steady recovery, although his injury has led to everyone in Nazarick worried for his health. Although Narberal learned that Draven had tried to defend her against getting severely punished, what could happen next?

Ainz knew this wouldn't go over well with the Floor Guardians, but it was the only way, wether they liked it or not. "Lord Ainz with all do respect, you can't be serious can you?!" Albedo asked as she and her fellow Floor Guardians hoped this was some kind of elaborate jest. "I know most of you are against this, but Narberal needs to prove that she has learned her lesson." Ainz reasoned as he tried to calm the Floor Guardians. "Lord Ainz, Narberal is the one who caused Lord Draven's injury, why in the world should we let her accompany him on a quest outside of Nazarick?!" Shalltear chimes in as the situation only grew worse.

Ainz assumed that Albedo and Shalltear would be the most resistant to this test of his. Ainz had assumed after adopting Draven that the two of them would act motherly towards Draven in order to get closer to him. Although now it appeared the simple act had turned into genuine maternal love towards Draven. "Lord Ainz, are you sure that you want this to happen? We all know how Narberal gets." Yuri Alpha spoke as she adjusted her glasses. "I will make sure to let Narberal know that I will have my eye on them the entire time. I will also remind her of the price for failure." Ainz said as everyone went silent at their leader's words.

Narberal felt as if an impossible task was resting on her shoulders, Lord Ainz has her go out as her Adventurer self Nabe. That wasn't the main issue, her task was to keep Lord Draven safe. This was her one chance at Redemption, if she failed, we she didn't want to think about it. She looked over at Lord Draven, who had his staff strapped to his back and a dagger secured to his waist. He also wore a hood to conceal his face. "I'm sorry for getting you into this mess Narberal, I promise to make this as easy as possible for you." Narberal turned to look at the young Lord in confusion after he said that.

"What do you mean Lord Draven? This is just a simple mission to get you used to real combat." Narberal said as she tried to sound as natural as possible. "Narberal, don't lie to me I know this is a test of your loyalty set up by my father. I could tell by how everyone was acting this morning." Draven said as Narberal hung her head as she let out a sigh, how could a ten year old be this good at seeing through people? Draven gently took Narberal's hand is his own, much to the surprise of the doppelgänger. "Don't worry, I'll make sure this ends well." Draven said as Narberal could see the determination in his eyes.

To say Ainz and the Floor Guardians were shocked would be an understatement, Draven has completely seen through their plan. Everyone was in the throne room watching the duo travel using an enlarged Mirror of Remote Viewing. "It appears Lord Draven's intelligence is even higher then we thought." Demiurge said as he adjusted his glasses. "I'm surprised he's worried about Narberal." Lupusregina whispered to her sisters as they watched as they finally entered the nearby village. Everyone turned their attention back towards the screen.

Narberal led Draven through the town to the Adventurers Guild. "Lord Draven, from here on out please refer to me as Nabe when in public settings." Narberal said as they finally reached the the guild. "Oh how cute, were you not able to find someone to watch your brat for you?" A man in armor commented as he approached them with a rather snide look on his face. Narberal gripped her sword, ready to defend Lord Draven. "Why don't you run on home to your mother and leave this nice lady with me?" The man said as he turned to look at Draven with the same snide aura.

"Oh? I'm sorry sir, but I'm here to a job like the rest of you. So how about you leave us alone and no one gets hurt?" Draven said in an innocent and childish voice, despite summoning six Eclipse Spears around the man's body. "W-What the hell kinda brat are you?!" The man demanded as the Eclipse Spears were dangerously close to his body at this point. "Please walk away sir, before my hand slips and you are reduced to a pin cushion." Draven said innocently, but the man could see an evil glint in the young man's eyes as he said those words.

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