Chapter 5: Recovery and Care

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Last time Draven interacted with the Battle Maids of Nazarick! Although during his training with Narberal, he was injured. How will Narberal be punished for injuring Draven? How is Draven recovering from his injuries?

Draven honestly didn't expect the cut on his arm to be as severe as it was, apparently the Eclipse Spears spell was designed to not only leave nasty wounds on it's target, but inflict a curse that weakens the body. For a fully developed body, the curse would only hurt them for a day or two at most. Draven only being 10 years old, means it could last a week or longer. This meant that Draven's training was put on hold, much to the young human's dismay. Narberal was also punished despite Draven stating that it was a simple accident with zero malice.

               Draven woke up with a yawn as he looked to the side of his bed, only to find Lupusregina sitting at his bedside. Draven nearly jumped out of bed in surprise at the werewolf maid being in his room. "L-Lupusregina? Why are you in my room?" Draven asked as he tried to calm himself down from the shock. Lupusregina giggles as she smiled at Draven. "Good morning Lord Draven! Did you sleep well?" Lupusregina asked as she got up from her seat and made her way over to his wardrobe to get his clothes out for the day.

             "Were you watching me sleep the entire night?" Draven asked with slight fear at what the answer to his question would be. Lupusregina stopped as she turned around with one of his shirts gripped in her hands. The smile fell from her face as her grip tightened on the shirt she was holding. "You gave us all quite the scare Lord Draven, when we found out about the curse the Eclipse Spears put on you, well our fear only got worse." Lupusregina explained as she struggled to make eye contact with Draven. Draven wanted to tell her she didn't need to worry so much about him, but she already seemed to know what he wanted to say to her.

                "Lord Draven, how many times do we have to tell you that everyone in Nazarick cares about you! Yes your human, but your the first human that we've ever cared about!" Lupusregina said as her voice rose and she growled near the end of her sentence. Draven was taken aback by Lupusregina's words, had he really made that big of an impression on all of them? Lupusregina helped him out of bed as she helped him put on his clothes. Before Lupusregina could stand up however, Draven wrapped his arms around her neck and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry for worrying all of you." Draven said as he continued to hug Lupusregina.

               Lupusregina smiles before returning the hug. "Alright let's get you to the dinning room." Lupusregina said as she took Draven's hand and led him to the dinning room for breakfast. Draven sat down at the table as Yuri Alpha sat in a chair next to his so she could feed him. "I can do this myself Yuri." Draven said as he tried to let the maid get back to her more important duties. "Lord Draven, I believe your shaking arm begs to disagree." Yuri said as she gave him a knowing smile. Draven sighed in defeat as he surrendered and allowed Yuri to feed him.

                    Draven was currently making his way towards the throne room as his father had requested his presence. Although CZ and Entoma were following behind him. "CZ, Entoma I can make my way around just fine!" Draven said as he tried to put the two maids minds at ease. CZ and Entoma both looked at Draven with intense stares as he felt a shiver run down his spine. "Lord Draven after your accident I refuse to let you out of sight." CZ said in her normal monotone voice, but Draven could tell she was worried. "Until your completely healed, we'll be watching over you." Entoma said as tilted her head to the side ever so slightly.

                  "Draven, I'm glad to see that your finally out of bed." Ainz said as he looked down at his adopted son. "Yes father, it seems the curse left by the Eclipse Spear was more potent then I imagined." Draven said as he rubbed his injured arm gently. "Yes, well the important thing is that your alright. That being said I expect to you refrain from using magic until your completely healed." Ainz said as he looked down at Draven. "Understood father, I'll just study in the Infinite Library. I don't need my hands to summon the gateway after all." Draven said as Ainz nodded his head before Draven turned to leave.

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