Chapter 15: Draven's Fear for the Future

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In the last chapter Draven helped with taking over Landschaft, Unfortunately he was nearly captured by a member of an espionage group that works for the World Powers known as the Ecliptic Blades! How will Draven proceed now that he knows there's a target on his back?

Draven was currently sat in the Infinite Library as he read over many books on Magic, Curses, Hexes, and all other forms of magic as he was not going to allow the Ecliptic Blades to get the upper hand on him once again. "I can't let them get their hands on me a second time, someone in Nazarick could get hurt as a result of it!" Draven thought to himself as he continued to study relentlessly. "Lord Draven? Are you alright?" Draven looked up from the book he was currently reading to see CZ standing there with a worried look present on her face.

Draven let out a sigh as he closed his book before standing up and approaching the battle maid. "I'm fine CZ, just the Ecliptic Blade attack still has me concerned." Draven admitted as he tried to give his bodyguard a reassuring smile. "Lord Draven there is no need for concern, we won't allow those ingrates to take you away from Nazarick." CZ said with a surprising amount of venom in her voice. Draven sighed once again before he got up from where he was sitting. "That's not my concern CZ, what if one of you is injured because their after me?" Draven said before he quickly exited the Infinite Library as CZ followed him with a concerned look on her face.

Draven was panting as he did his best to remain standing and hold his practice Rapier out in front of him. "Well done Lord Draven, that should be enough for today." Cocytus said as the boy collapsed onto his hands and knees as he panted in exhaustion. Cocytus gently picked the young lord up before sitting him down near a wall. "You shouldn't push yourself so hard Lord Draven, it could be detrimental to your health." Cocytus said as he looked down at the young human in worry. "I can't remain idle Cocytus, not with the Ecliptic Blades hunting me down." Draven said as he looked down with a grim expression on his face that had been rather common.

              "Lord Draven, you need not worry. If those fools wish to fight, then I will be more then happy to give them what their looking for!" Cocytus said in a dangerous tone as he tried his best to reassure the young lord. "Cocytus, I can't let all of you fight my battles for me! What if I'm captured and use me to hurt all of you? I cannot allow that to happen!" Draven said as he shakily stood back up before exiting the amphitheater. Cocytus watched the young lord go as he could only worry about what Lord Draven is putting himself through. "Lord Draven, you need to stop worrying about Nazarick and start worrying about yourself." Cocytus thought to himself before he set to focusing on his own training.

6th Floor, Forest
Draven did his best to focus on the game of hide and seek that he was playing with Aura and Mare. The problem was that his mind was still plagued by the memory of what happened in Landschaft. "Found you Lord Draven!" Draven jumped as he felt Aura place her hand on his shoulder. "Whoa did I scare you that bad?" Aura said with a small chuckle when she saw that Draven had jumped at her sudden appearance. "No, I was just distracted by something, I wasn't expecting you to appear like that Aura." Draven said as he gave the dark elf the best smile he could manage with the current thoughts that plagued his brain as of late.

Aura's expression immediately darkened as she glared at Draven. "Is something wrong Aura?" Draven asked before the dark elf quickly grabbed him by the front of his shirt as she forcefully pulled him towards her. "Are you still dwelling on what happened in Landschaft?! Would you knock it off already, those Ecliptic Blades are no threat to us!!" Aura shouted as she was in a rather bad mood at the moment. Mare came out from his hiding spot as he hoped to diffuse the situation. "A-Aura, Lord Draven is just worried, that is a normal reaction after what happened." Mare reasoned as he hoped to get through to his sister with his words.

"Shut it Mare!!" Aura barked at her brother as he quickly curled in on himself when his sister screamed at him. "Aura, calm down. I simple do not wish for any of you to get hurt" Draven couldn't finish his sentence as Aura deliverers a strong slap to his face before letting go of his shirt. "Stop worrying about us!! Last time I checked your the fragile human around here!!" Aura barked before storming off into the forest. Are you okay Lord Draven?" Marie asked as he helped the young lord to his feet. "I'm fine Mare, a quick healing spell should fix this." Draven said as he casted said spell to heal his face.

"Aura really cares about you Lord Draven, she's just worried about you is all." Mare said as he tried to justify her sister's actions to Draven. "It's fine Mare, I did upset Aura so I can't fault her for her outburst." Draven said as he looked at where Aura had stormed off to before turning and starting to make his way out of the forest. Little did Lord Draven know, Aura was behind a tree as she silently cried after how poorly she had treated him in that instance.

Draven's Workshop
Draven was in his workshop with Entoma and Lupusregina as Tuare was busy helping Sebas for the day. "Lord Draven, shouldn't you be resting? You have been up since before the sun rose and now the sun is about to set!" Entoma said as she watched the young lord with worry present in her voice. "I must continue to better myself, if I don't I may not get so lucky as I did last time." Draven mumbled as he continued to focus on his work. "Lord Draven, you don't need to worry! The Ecliptic Blades are of no threat to any of us!" Lupusregina said as she tried to put his mind at ease.

Draven slammed his fists down on his work table, causing both maids to jump in surprise. "Not worry?! What if next time is different? What if one of you doesn't show up in time to rescue me? What if one of you gets hurt in the process?!" Draven shouted at both maids who both took a step back in fear as they have never seen the young lord this angry. "L-Lord Draven, calm down there is nothing to worry about." Lupusregina said in a soothing tone, which only caused Draven to let out an annoyed huff before storming out of his workshop. Both battle maids exchanged looks of worry as they watched young lord storm off.

Draven's Bedroom
Draven was laying in his bed with a few tears in his eyes as he felt terribly for snapping at Wntoma and Lupusregina a mere hour ago. Draven heard the door to his room slowly open as someone entered. "Lord Draven? Are you alright?" Shalltear asked as she slowly approached his bed. "No Shalltear, I'm rather distressed at the moment." Draven said in a shaky voice as he did his best to keep his composure. Shalltear sat down next to him on the bed as she looked at him in worry. "It's about what happened in Landschaft isn't it?" Shalltear said as she ran a few fingers through Draven's hair.

Draven gave the vampire a slow nod as he started to shake. "I-I'm just afraid! What if I get taken back to that place? O-Or worse, what if one of you gets hurt protecting me?!" Draven whimpered as he started to sob. Shalltear gently pulled Draven into a hug as she rubbed his back to comfort him. "It's okay Lord Draven, you won't get taken back and none of us will get hurt." Shalltear said as Draven's cries devolved into hiccups as she continued to sooth him. "P-Promise?" Draven asked in a vulnerable tone as he was still unsure. Shalltear smiled before planting a kiss on Draven's forehead. "I promise, you won't lose us Lord Draven." Shalltear said as the young lord finally fell to sleep in her arms. Draven was afraid of what awaited him, but he had everyone in Nazarick to support him.

So now we get to see Draven lose his composure at the thought of anyone in Nazarick getting hurt! Now I think I won't do the time skip till after Chapter 20 so if you want anything for Draven to do while he's still a child please tell me!

Now I would like to tell all of you that I've started a Bleach Story title, Bleach: Next Generation! The bio and first 7 chapters have been posted! Bleach is my favorite anime and I plan on focusing on this story so please check it out as I'm very happy with this new story and it's easily on of my favorites!

What awaits Draven next in Nazarick? Will he be able to get over his fear about the Ecliptic Blades? Will he be able to enjoy himself once again? Will his fear consume him? Find out in the next chapter of Overlord: Child of the Library!

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