Chapter 8: A Mother's Love

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So last time Narberal and Draven successfully took down the Ogre Stronghold and returned to Nazarick successfully. Narberal also completely redeemed herself, although how will the Floor Guardians handle the truth about Draven's life before joining them? Two in particular?

Draven had been spending time since he got back from his first quest with Narberal continuing his studies in the Infinite Library. Before coming to Nazarick, Draven would just read about whatever caught his interest for the day, but now he was actively searching out anything that could help with the conquest. Draven felt a presence enter the Library as he assumed it would be Demiurge in search of new books to pour over. That was another reason he was once again spending long hours in the Library, Demiurge has been actively including him in planning missions for Nazarick to accomplish.

                 "I'm up here Demiurge! What do you need?" Draven called out as he was sitting on one of the many floating bookcases that hung over the bottomless void that was at the end of the Infinite Library's walkway. "Lord Draven get down from there! You could get hurt!" Draven looked down and was surprised to find Albedo standing at the walkway's railing with a look of concern plastered on her face. "Oh, apologies Albedo, I thought you were Demiurge. Also do not worry I am quite safe." Draven said as he tried to put Albedo's mind at ease despite the situation.

                Draven could tell that Albedo didn't feel any better about what she was witnessing, Draven knew it was risky, but it was the only way. Draven stood up and stepped off the bookshelf as Albedo only grew more horrified at what he just did. "Lord Draven!" Albedo screamed as she expected to watch him fall, but instead he floated in the air. Draven then flew over to the walkway before gently landing next to Albedo. "There's nothing you worry about, the Infinite Library bends to my will. So I can't fall into the pit you see below us." Draven explained as he was quickly pulled into a hug by Albedo who was shaking.

              The news of Lord Draven's childhood had not sat well with any of the Floor Guardians, but Albedo was one of the ones that took it the hardest. She couldn't begin to imagine what it must have been like for Lord Draven to grow up never knowing his parents. Albedo swore from that moment onward that when they made it to the city Lord Draven was held in, she would slaughter all of them without mercy. "Lord Draven, please do not scare me like that ever again! You know that your fragile compared to most of Nazarick's inhabitants." Albedo said as she only tightened the hug she had Draven in.

               Draven knew that Albedo worried over him, he had always wondered what having a mother was like and he assumed it was similar to how Albedo took care of him. "Apologies for worrying you Albedo, what do you need from me?" Draven asked as he looked up at the succubus with curiosity present in his gold eyes. "You've been cooped up in this Library for hours at a time everyday this week! Shouldn't you take a break and have some fun? Mare has been wanting to show you the progress he's made in his garden." Albedo said as she gave him that sickly sweet smile she always directed at him.

              Draven supposed Albedo had a point, he has been doing quite a bit of research nonstop since his return. The only time he took breaks was to eat, sleep, and train with Narberal. "I suppose I did get a little to caught up in trying to assist Demiurge with planning our next move." Draven said sheepishly as he looked down in embarrassment. "Demiurge can handle it himself Lord Draven, come you should be enjoying yourself." Albedo said as she led him out of the Infinite Library as the gateway disappeared after they exited the the Library and continued on their way to find Aura and Mare.

              Draven has to say he was impressed by how quickly Mare was able to not only get ahold of seeds for the plants in the books he had given him, but was also able to get them to grow rather quickly. "T-Thank you again for allowing me to use books from your Library Lord Draven." Mare said in his usual Timid tone as he looked around proudly at his work. Mare had grown a multitude of magic based plants that could inflict nasty ailments such as sleep, poison, muscle failure, and organ failure just to name a few. "I'm impressed Mare, all of these plants could be turned into rather powerful elixirs." Draven said as he looked the plants over.

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