Chapter 9: Draven's New Workspace

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So in the last chapter we got to see how Albedo and Shalltear take care of Draven in their own unique ways. Although Ainz has something important to talk to his son about, what could it be exactly?

Draven was walking through the the halls of Nazarick as he thought about the last few weeks. Narberal helped him increase his Mana levels, but he still had a lot of room for improvement. Draven also had been helping Demiurge father information and plan attacks on different villages. Then again Draven did still play with Aura and Mare at least once a week, mostly because Albedo and Shalltear would have a fit if he cooped himself up in Infinite Library. Draven continued to think about everything that had been currently going on, when he bumped into someone while he wasn't paying attention.

               Draven looked up to see Solution standing in front of him. "Oh! Apologies Solution, I wasn't paying attention." Draven apologized to the maid. "It's quite alright Lord Draven. If your not to busy, could you please follow me to the throne room? Lord Ainz wishes to speak to you." Solution explained as Draven nodded his head in understanding. "Of course Solution, please lead the way." Draven said as he followed the slime to the throne room as he wondered what his father could want from him. "Narberal mentioned that you've been making improvements in your training Lord Draven." Solution said as she looked over at the young Lord with curiosity present in her eyes.

"Yes, well my Mana is slowly, but surely increasing Solution, I just wish the process could go a bit quicker." Draven said as he looked down in thought. "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself Lord Draven, your still just a child after all." Solution said as she hoped to comfort her young master. Draven sighed as he thought about what Solution said to him just now. "I suppose your right Solution, but I still can't help, but feel like I need to improve at a faster rate." Draven said as he still thought about how his Mana ran out rather quickly when he was in combat.

Draven entered the throne room as he walked right up to his father. "You requested my presence father?" Draven said as he waited for his father to give him an explanation for this current meeting. "Draven, Narberal tells me that your training has been progressing at an impressive rate, of course your Mana pool is something that will improve overtime." Ainz said as he looked done at his son. "Yes father, training has been going rather well." Draven responded as he looked up at his father. "I thought that in light of current events that I give you a room to do what you please with. Albedo mentioned you knowledge on the usage of plants in this world, this could be useful to us." Ainz said as he waited for Draven to respond to him.

             Draven thought about what his father just told him, a workspace of his own could be nice. "If that's what you wish father then I will happily accept." Draven said as he smiled at his father. "Albedo, could you please lead Draven to the room?" Ainz asked as Albedo nodded before gently taking Draven's hand and leading him down the hallway. Ainz watched them as they left with a thoughtful look in his eyes. "Draven, you truly have changed everyone's view of humans in Nazarick if only slightly." Ainz thought as he continued to sit and plan for the next step in his conquest of this entire world and it's people.

              Albedo led Draven to a door that appeared to have nothing currently in it at the moment. "Lord Draven, this is your personal work area, a group of servants will help you set everything you need up in the room. I'll come back to check on you in a few hours." Albedo said before she took her exit as Draven looked around the empty space. "I can make this work, now what will I need?" Draven thought to himself as he began talking to the servants as they ran off to retrieve the necessary materials. Draven couldn't help but smile as he thought about all the possibilities that have opened up to him.

               Albedo has been talking to Shalltear, when she realized she had forgotten that Lord Draven was still setting up his workspace. "Oh dear, Lord Draven is still setting up the room Lord Ainz Gabe him, I should probably go check on him." Albedo said as Shalltear's eyes widened in surprise. "Lord Draven was gifted a space by Lord Ainz? May I accompany you, if like you see what Lord Draven has decided to do with it." Shalltear said as they made their way down the hallway together. Albedo and Shalltear continued their conversation as they went before finally reaching the room that was given to Lord Draven.

             "Lord Draven? Are you alright?" Shalltear asked as both her and Albedo entered the room and were surprised to see it completely set up.

Glasses of different sizes and shapes were spread out on a table, the shelves were lined with jars filled with different ingredients and objects

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Glasses of different sizes and shapes were spread out on a table, the shelves were lined with jars filled with different ingredients and objects. A cauldron has a fire going under it and there was an enchantment table in the corner. Draven was currently at the table mixing ingredients with gloves on his hands as he seemed to be in a trance. "Lord Draven? Are you alright?" Albedo said as Draven jumped slightly at the voice from behind him. "Oh Albedo, Shalltear, you surprised me." Draven said as he put the ingredients and bottle down before taking his gloves off.

             "What is all of this Lord Draven?" Shalltear asked as she looked around the room in surprise. "Well I've always hand an interest in all fields of magic so I decided to fill my workspace with a little bit of everything." Draven said as he gestured to everything in the room. Both Albedo and Shalltear were surprised and impressed that Lord Draven wanted to master all forms of magic to the best of his abilities. "What were you doing before we entered Lord Draven?" Shalltear asked as she looked at the bottle that Draven had been putting ingredients into earlier.

             "Oh, that's just a basic healing potion, I'm not going to start with anything to advanced." Draven said with a small laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck. Albedo looked around the room and noticed that quite a few of the ingredients and tools are rather dangerous. "Lord Draven, is aren't some of these items rather dangerous to be messing with?" Albedo said as Shalltear all took notice of the dangerous ingredients and tools. "Magic as a whole is dangerous is it not? That's why I also have proper safety gear for when I work." Draven explained as he held up the gloves he had been wearing earlier.

                Draven has finished brewing the healing potion, with Shalltear and Albedo watching him as he worked. Draven understood that they were worried that he would hurt himself, but it was a little unnerving to be watched while working. "Alright, that should do it!" Draven then placed a cork in the bottle before setting it on the desk gently. Draven let out a gentle yawn as Albedo picked him up. "A-A-Albedo?! What are you doing?!" Draven said as he looked at the Succubus in surprise and shock. "I think that's enough for one day Lord Draven, you should take a break." Albedo said as she began to carry the boy out of the room.

                "I don't think this is necessary, right Shalltear?" Draven said as he looked over at the Vampire. "I agree with Albedo Lord Draven, the last thing we need is for you to spend hours in here by yourself." Shalltear said in a strict tone as she looked at the young Lord. Draven groaned as he heard the Vampire agree with the Succubus. "They're at each other's throats most of the time, but when it comes to me that's when they decide to get along?" Draven thought to himself as he let the Succubus carry him out of his workspace. Draven still couldn't help but let a smile spread across his face, he had a little magic workspace of his own that could only help him further his magical abilities.

So Draven has his own little personal work area, now I have have two announcements. The first I've recently started a Teen Titans x Persona story called Teen Titans: Persona Vigilantes, the bio and first 6 chapters are already out so check it out if your interested! Next as far as Draven creating his own servant, people seem to want it to be female and a tank like character. So I was curious, would you guys be okay with an Anubis girl? She will be a tank, but I have a unique idea on how to do it, Please tell me what you think! What awaits Draven next in Nazarick? Find out in the next chapter of Overlord: Child of the Library!

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