Chapter 1 - All's Wells That Ends Wells

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MacKenzie's POV

"Yeah, you're right for now, my sister, but what if?" Chester says, reading a book in the cortex. I look up from the computer screen where I am monitoring Barry's vitals while he's in his cryo sleep thing. "What if the entire universe is just some kind of... cosmic neural network?" He says with a small laugh. "Then what you gonna say?"

"You gonna comment on every page?" I ask, looking at the computer screen once again

"Hey, my commentary is golden." Chester defends. "Plus, someone's gotta fill this boring silence."

I look over at him again. "Are you saying I'm boring?" I question, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair

"No." Chester says, widening his eyes and he lets out a nervous laugh. "No, no, no, I would, I would never say you were boring. In fact, you're the opposite of boring." He rambles. And as he rambles, I lift my hand and send a small quake blast at the bottom of his chair so that it shakes. He scrambles to hold onto the table and I laugh. Then, an alarm goes off. "Uh-oh. Oh, okay. Okay, okay. You know the drill, Chester P. Been prepping this for weeks." He says to himself, typing on the keyboard. I get up and make my way over to stand behind him. "Okay, now, that is... that is not good." He says, looking at the scan of the city and I look over his shoulder

"Is it time?" I question

"Yes." Chester says. And with that confirmation, I lean over and press a button on the computer, opening up the small room where Barry is in cryo-sleep

"Where's Eva?" Barry asks, looking around

"Satellites have her at 2nd and Walczak." Chester says. "Make that 3rd and Certo." He says, following where Eva is going on the computer. "You doing okay?" He asks Barry. "I know the Cryo Pod keeps your residual speed forces stasis, but waking up can be pretty disorienting."

"Call Joe." Barry says. "Tell him I'm heading downtown."

"But, Flash, you only have 1% of your speed left." Chester says

"Then I better hurry." Barry says, speeding out of the room...without me

We watch Barry's location speed and then make around the streets. "Hey, you forgot me, you know." I say through the comms

"Sorry, Mack." Barry says

"Hey, wait, Eva's coordinates slowed down." Chester says. "Maybe she stopped moving?"

"No. She's going up." We hear Barry say as he continues to run

Then, Barry and Eva stop moving. "Why do you keep interrupting my mission, Flash?" Eva questions and we hear her voice through the comms. "I told you, we're on the same side."

Chester turns his head, looking at me. "We're not on the same side, right?" He asks

I playfully slap the back of his head. "You know we're not on the same side, idiot." I tell him

"If we're on the same side, then give me back my wife!" Barry yells

"Point made." I say, gesturing to the comms

"My fractal photons move at the speed of light." Eva says after we hear Barry groan. "You never had a chance." And with that, her voice is gone

"Dad?" I question through the comms, watching his vitals. "Dad!" I call through the comms when he doesn't answer

"I'm here." Barry's voice groans

"Okay, I picked up Eva at a warehouse on 119th Street." Chester says, typing on the computer. "Suspected hideout of... Rosa Dillon and Sam Scudder, aka..."

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