Chapter 17 - Timeless

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3rd Person POV

"Caitlin called me about Alexa." Joe says, sitting across from Barry

"So it turns out, when Iris and I brought back the Speed Force, we also created three new forces." Barry explains. "It's our fault that they're out in the world hurting people. Killing them. So I feel like... I have to be the one to take them out."

"These forces. You think they're above saving, too?" Joe asks

"I think it would be safer for everybody if they didn't exist." Barry syas

"You remember when Wally first showed up?" Joe asks Barry and he nods. "Man, it wasn't just that I'd found out I have a son. I found out I have a son who kept getting his butt in trouble. Boy, he was mad at the world. There was one point he said to me that he wished he had never been born. So I tried to get close. And he pushed me away. I tried to give him space, then he felt abandoned. No parent is perfect. But one thing I never stopped doing was trying. And look at the man he grew up to be. Strong. Kind. Good."

"Yeah I get it, I... I do, but... I mean, these forces? They're not my children." Barry says

"You sure? You said it yourself." Joe says. "You brought them into this world. Look, I know they've all done terrible things. But what if they could change? You never judge your kids for who they are now. You help them become who they know they can be when they grow up. So lead with love. After that, it is up to them."

"You really think I'm capable of doing that?" Barry asks

"Why wouldn't you be?" Joe asks with a shrug. "I don't know if you noticed but your capability shows through your daughter. Remember when we first met her? A scared little girl with no family, no idea how to control her powers, and no filter. Now... MacKenzie is an amazing, kind, firecracker of a girl. And she's been shown your love. And that made all the difference." 


"Okay. It's working." Chester says as Mack finishes attaching the disc. "Now, when you're close enough to cycle particles, the disc will light up."

"Guys, I appreciate you helping me." Barry says

"Make sure the proton collection housing's double-fused." Cisco says, walking into the speedlab 

"We did. And it's good to see you." Timeless Wells says with a smile

"What changed your mind?" Barry asks

"Look, this is dangerous." Cisco says. "And it doesn't feel right. But I'm always gonna have your back. No matter what. Chester, Mack-Attack. Let's get it going."

"Okay, so. Barry. All you need to do is get close enough to the Speed Force lightning to collect a sample of each force." Chester explains. "The PHC and Timeless Wells' time bubble should do the rest. Theoretically."

"Ready?" Timeless Wells asks Barry

The group waits. "Nothing's happening." Barry says. "You gonna..."

"Wait for it." Timeless Wells whispers

And then, Barry and Timeless Wells are pulled into the past...

"We're at 100% organic speed!" Past Cisco announces

"We need you... I need you." Past Iris whispers

"I remember this moment." Timeless Wells says as the two watch the past scene. "This is where it all started."

"We should get to the roof." Barry says, speeding him and Timeless Wells to the roof

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