Chapter 30 - P.O.W.

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3rd Person POV

Barry gasps awake, sitting up on the couch. "What's happening?" He whispers, looking around

From next to him, there's movement and a groan. "Dad..." Mack groans, her eyes still closed as she snuggles closer to her father, his arm around her and her leaning against him

"Sorry, baby girl." Barry whispers, combing a hand through her hair. "Go back to sleep." He says and he doesn't have to tell her twice because she goes to sleep quickly


MacKenzie's POV

"People are getting attacked in their offices, their cars, their own homes!" The newsreporter says. "And seemingly at random."

Chester mutes the TV in the cortex. "So...Godspeeds are attacking folks in their homes now?" He asks. "You mean I could just be hanging out at home listening to my Nas-Nasty-Nas, drinking coffee, and a whole Godspeed could just..."

Barry speeds in. "Ah, the Godspeeds are gone again." He says with a groan, grabbing his ribs

"Dad!" I exclaim, making my way over to him

"You're hurt. What happened?" Caitlin asks

"They ambushed me while I was evacuating City Hall." Barry says. "I barely made it out in one piece."

"Okay, let's get you to the med lab." Caitlin says. "Chester, can you call Iris?" And Chester reaches for his phone

"No, no." Barry protests. "She's still home feeling sick. Let her rest. Frost is out there helping. Chester, how long was it before they showed up this time?"

"About eight hours." Chester says

"But their movements are unpredictable..." I start

"...and we still have no idea where they're going once they disappear." Chester finishes

"Can we figure out when they're gonna come back next?" Barry asks

Chester and I share a look. "We could start working on a predictive algorithm." I suggests

"Right. If there's a pattern to their freaky-deaky moves, we'll find it." Chester says

"Even if we figure out when they're gonna attack next, we still have no idea what these new clones want." Barry says

"The original six want your speed." Caitlin says

"And just as they were gonna get it, six more showed up and saved you." Chester says

"Right, but why?" Barry questions, breathing heavily. "I mean, how do we stop a civil war if we don't even understand why both sides are fighting each other?"

"Hey." Cecile greets, rushing into the Cortex. "Has anybody heard from Joe? He left town with Kramer hours ago. I haven't been able to get ahold of him."

"I think I know why." Chester says. "This Godspeed war is causing a buildup of electricity, shielding Central City in what's essentially a faraday cage. Any electronic signal is being totally contained inside."

"So no one in the city can text or call the outside world right now." Caitlin says and she looks over at Cecile. "I'm sorry."

"Cecile, if there's one thing Joe knows how to do, it's take care of himself. And right now, anywhere's safer than Central City." Barry says

Barry groans in pain as he sits up in the medbay bed. "Easy." Caitlin tells him, me and her looking over at him from the computer. "You still have six broken ribs and some internal bleeding."

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