Chapter 29 - Enemy at the Gates

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MacKenzie's POV

An alarm blares in the cortex as Chester and I watch the satellites

"They're back, aren't they?" Barry asks, skidding to a stop

"One of the Godspeed clones is attacking the Central City power plant, and if he takes it out like he did with the gas station, the blast radius will be over 40 square miles." Chester says

"All right." Barry nods, ready to speed away again

"You should take Allegra and Frost with you." Chester says

"No, if the other Godspeed att*cks, they're our last line of defense." Barry says

"What about me?" I ask

"You need to stay here." Barry says. "Be a leader. Keep the city safe." And with that, he speeds out of the cortex

I immediately start typing on the computer to pull up the footage from the power plant. We see Barry skid to a stop

"Look, I know you're not the real Godspeed, but I won't let you harm this city anymore." Barry says. "So why don't you just tell me who sent you."

Godspeed roars

"Barry, our algorithm is translating what Godspeed said." Chester says

"What is it?" Barry asks

"I have him." Chester translates. "Oh, frak, it's a trap!"

"Get out of there!" I yell through the comms

But by then, more Godspeeds have sped into the room and surround Barry. He phases through the floor and speeds away with the other Godspeeds on his tail

"Chester, initiate Babel Protocols!" Barry yells through the comms

"But Barry, if I drop the force field, you'll be locked out." Chester says

"I don't give a damn! My daughter's in there. Do it now!" Barry yells and Chester obeys, running to the panel to lower the forcefield. I watch as Barry makes it just in time, the forcefield going between him and the other Godspeeds. They try phasing through the forcefield but it doesn't work

Barry makes his way back to the cortex as the Godspeeds start hitting the forcefield

"So what?" Frost asks, joining us in the cortex. "They couldn't phase through, so now they're trying to punch through?"

"How long will the force field hold?" Barry asks, walking in

"At the rate they're going, an hour maybe?" Chester asks, looking at me to confirm and I give a small nod. Frost turns to leave the room. "Wait, what are you gonna do?"

"Get reinforcements." Frost says. "Maybe." And with that, she leaves

Barry breathes heavily. "Barry, are you okay?" Chester asks

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just... just thinking I'm glad Iris is home and not here." Barry says. "At least she's safe there. But I still put the rest of you in danger."

"Hey, man. Look, we're Team Flash. Hey, we can handle this." Chester tells Barry. "And Mack? She's so freaking awesome and powerful, she can handle this too." He says, looking over at me and I give him a fistbump. "Plus, look at it this way: With all the clones here, the city's safe."

"Wait, Chester, is there a way to evacuate without raising the force field?" Barry asks

"Even if there was, Caitlin's mid-surgery with Ultraviolet right now." Chester says. "So if she stops...Allegra's cousin might die."

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