Chapter 22 - Good-Bye Vibrations

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MacKenzie's POV

"You're probably all wondering why I called this team meeting at 9 a.m. on a Saturday." Cisco says as we all sit in the lounge. I had just walked in with Caitlin and sit between her a Barry

"Oh, babe, we should've brought breakfast." Kamilla says

"It's fine." Cisco says. "No one's hungry." His stomach growls. "Ignore that."

"I could get Belgian waffles." Barry suggests. "From Brussels."

"Yum, that sounds incredible." Caitlin says and I nod

"Yeah?" Barry asks, looking at her, me, and Iris. "Should I do it?"

"Yes!" I exclaim

"Okay, no, no, no, no, no." Cisco says, trying to calm us down. "Don't... don't do that, okay? As much as I hate to say it, waffles can wait. First, there's something we really need to tell you."

"And we wanted our closest friends to hear it first." Kamilla says

"Are you guys pregnant?" Iris asks

"Wait, is this about another big bad?" Barry asks

"I'll call Chester and Allegra." Caitlin says

"No, no, and definitely not." Cisco says, the last one to Iris' question. "What we wanted to say is..."

"We're leaving Central City." Kamilla and Cisco say at the same time. We're all stunned and I freeze in my spot

"When?" Barry asks

"Tomorrow." Cisco says

"So wait, you're... you're moving?" Iris asks

"Yeah." Kamilla says. "We both realized that we're ready to start something new. For me it's my gallery show in Miami and, babe.."

"You remember that guy, Chip Cooper?" Cisco asks us

"Yeah, the A.R.G.U.S. Director of Technology and Science?" Barry asks

"Well, he's been reassigned to C.E.M.A." Cisco says. "The Cosmic Emergency Management Agency. Wow, I really am the biggest nerd here. Anyway, Chip's leaving and thanks to a great recommendation from Lyla and Dig, A.R.G.U.S. offered me the job. The thing is they really needed me like, yesterday."

"Yeah, and I will be joining Cisco in Star City as soon as my exhibition is done." Kamilla says

"Look, I know this is super short notice, but... they're both great opportunities for us." Cisco says. "And we just hope you guys understand."

"Of course we do." Barry says. "Yeah, this is great. This is great, man."

"So great, we're so happy!" Caitlin exclaims happily, hiding emotion in her voice. "Well, you guys must have so much to do."

"Um, I just have to show Chester a couple things and then finish packing but..." Cisco says

"All right, well, whatever you need, just let us know." Barry says

"Mack?" Cisco asks. "You okay?" I look up at him from the couch and nod my head, letting him know I'm okay


3rd Person POV
Cisco walks into the workroom to see his side all packed up. He looks around the room, seeing that his things are all in boxes whereas Mack's things are still out on her desks. "What the..." Cisco whispers and then grabs a note that is from Barry. "So I guess that's done."

Caitlin and Mack walk into the workroom. "Wow." Mack says, looking around. "How long have I been telling you to clean up your side?" She asks

"Well, it helps when your best friend's The Flash, doesn't it?" Cisco says

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