Chapter 7

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Ponk woke up and went on his phone and went through Twitter. He put on an outfit and took a picture of it and sent it on Twitter then got changed into something else and got into his car. He got to Dream's house and Dream walked into his car. They got to the school and walked out and went up to Sapnap and Karl. They started talking and walked to their lockers.

"Wanna do something this afternoon?" Karl asked "sure" Dream said "can't, I have to study" Ponk said.

Dream, Sapnap, and Karl rolled their eyes.

"Why don't you just hang out and study later?" Sapnap asked "because studying's more important" Ponk said.

They started laughing and walked into the classroom and started talking before the teacher walked in. The teacher walked in and they stopped talking.

"Ok class today I will be assigning seats so everyone stand up with your stuff and come to the front of the class" the teacher said.

Everybody walked to the front of the class.

"Wilbur and Quackity will sit next to each other, next is Aimsey and Billzo, next is Tubbo and Ranboo, then Antfrost and Redvelvet, then Karl and Sapnap, then Dream and George, then Niki and Wilbur, then Sam and Ponk" the teacher said.

Everybody sat in their assigned seats. Ponk was annoyed and looked at how annoyed Dream was as well. Sam and George just smiled and had an evil type smiled and looked at their seated partners. Ponk and Dream looked away from them.

"You know it'll be fun sitting next to me" Sam said "no, you were spreading a rumor about me sleeping with you when you know I didn't, you're just a fucking player" Ponk said.

Sam started laughing. Class finished and they went to lunch.

"Y'all two are lucky" Dream said "we're sorry" Karl said "Sam's being annoying" Ponk said.

Sam and his friends walked up to Ponk with some girl.

"You're a slut for Sam" she said "how about you let me in your pants since you let Sam."

Ponk got up and looked at them. He stood on the table and everybody looked at him.

"Since nobody understands this, I didn't let Sam in my pants, he's annoying and obnoxious, he's a fucking player" Ponk said and everybody laughed.

Ponk got down.

"I really hope you do kill yourself" Sam said "I hope I do too" Ponk said.

Ponk left and his friends walked with him.

"That was amazing" Dream said "coming Dream?" Ponk asked "yeah" Dream said.

Dream got in with Ponk and they went to the store and was looking at alcohol.

"We're not old enough" Dream said "I've done it a million times" Ponk said.

Ponk got a bottle and put it on the counter.

"ID" the cashier said.

Ponk took out $60.

"You can keep the money if you just ring this up and give it to me, that basically also paid for it but you can keep the entire thing" Ponk said.

The cashier ringed it up and pressed the pay button and gave it to him with receipt.

He left and got into the car and got to the house.

He walked to his room with Dream and opened the bottle.

"What are we doing?" Dream asked "drinking" Ponk said "I've never drank before" Dream said "no pressure" Ponk said.

Dream took it and drank some of it and made a face and Ponk laughed. They spent half the night drinking the alcohol. They got really drunk and Dream looked at Ponk and kissed him and he kissed back. They did the deed and went to bed and fell asleep cuddling.

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