|Chapter 7.|

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School goes slow, class after class. It dozed on Till finally 7th period arrives. The one class that kinda interests y/n...science, specifically Earth science. The teacher looks down at the students, "climate change is effecting our Earth at a rapid pace. One person isn't gonna help, we all need to make changes. So I've decided to give you three life style changes you can make-." The teacher continues, Rodrick taps Y/n on the shoulder.

"Princess my bands rehearing today, and I would really love it if you'd come watch." Rodrick speaks into y/n's ear.

"-instead of driving, walk sometimes. Walking will reduce your carbon footprint" the teacher lists off the last reason.

"You already know the answer Rodrick, I'm coming to your house anyways." She laughs lightly,

"Y/n L/n, do you have any ideas on changes people can make to reduce their footprint." Y/n eyes open wide at the teacher.

"Waste less food...grab only what you can eat?" She questions softly, the teacher nods, pleased with her answer.


Loud banging flooded y/n's ears as she sat in the garage. The bass solo began to play, and Rodrick placed the broken drum stick down. He stood up from his stool, and reached out his hand for y/n to grab, "gonna grab a new drum stick." She nodded at him and grabbed the extended hand. He pulled her softly to her feet and inside. He walked up stairs to his loft like room. He looked up from the stairs and threw his head back in annoyance.

"What?" Y/n asked concerned, Rodrick points at the bed where two boys lay on the floor next to it.

"What did i say would happen if you even went in my room again?" He asked Greg, who stared with wide eyes. Howley, or whatever that kids name is, looks just as terrified.

"I thought you were with the band."Greg questions in fear,

"It's the bass solo, turd burglar. Don't you know anything about music? Listen we came in here so i can get a new drum stick, and now Greg, since mom and dad aren't home I'm going to kill you. Literally kill you." Rodrick says through clenched teeth. Y/n stood there with her lips pursed, and eyes wide. When the two boys looked to her for help, she just looked around the room fake whistling, as a joke... The two boys look back at each other.

"RUN." Powley screams, tackling Rodricks foot.

"Let go baby hippo." Rodrick says in disgust shaking his leg.

"Dude." Y/n glares at the boy, making him stand up and run out of the room In fear. Y/n furrows her eyebrows 'am I really that scary?' She asks her self, shrugging. When she finished zoning out, she realized Rodrick was gone, she wasn't to worried about it, and walked down the stairs. Ignoring the boy at the top shaking in fear. She walks into the kitchen, and opens the fridge getting out a small juice box.

She slammed the straw into the hole at the top of the juice box and began taking a sip. For a few minutes It was silent, and Rodrick had walked down the stairs barefoot. Y/n laughed lightly "you left your shoes?" Rodrick nodded back with a smile.

"Only so he thinks I'm still there, now I get a little time with you." She smiles at his thoughtfulness. He reached for her hips and pulled her onto the counter top. She sat slouched there for a moment, before Rodrick slid his body between her legs. Looking down at her. He placed his hands gently on her thighs, she smiled and tilted her head down to his chest. He laughed lightly as her head slammed against his chest, and he nuzzled his head into her neck.

Their moment was ruined when they heard Greg's door open, Rodrick frowned as he pulled away. He smiled at her softly before holding up a finger. Silently telling her 'hold on.' She nodded and laughed at the boy. She watched as Rodrick trailed into the bathroom, the shower curtain was pulled open. Greg trampled down the stairs soon after walking in the bathroom after.

She heard yells come from the bathroom, from both Greg and Rodrick. Making Susan rush into the bathroom. Y/ns eyebrows raised 'when did they get back.'


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