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Leah's practically lifeless body is laying on the bed and my heart clenched. Even though we only spent 10 minutes together in person I know that this is not the person she is. She is full of life, her love for softball is so strong it might actually kill her.

Tears are already pouring out of my eyes as I watched her sleep. Above her eye is covered with bandages to which I can only assume that is where she was hit. Her eye is different colors ranging from purple to yellow and everything in between.

Just as I stepped closer to her something happened. The monitors went off and all I saw was a flat line. Leah's heart stopped beating.

"Leah!" I yelled and tried to run to her. Arms wrapped around me from behind holding me back. It had to be Taylor because every time I tried to get away she just held me tighter.

Doctors and nurses swarmed into the room and everything happened really quick. Someone was giving Leah chest compressions while the other people were checking her vitals.

"Clear!" I heard someone yell and I watched everybody back away. Just when I was going to try and get to her again the guy pressed two paddles to her chest.

Leah's body jumped a little bit and the doctors waited to see if her heart would start again. When it didn't a nurse went back to doing chest compressions. Another few seconds passed before they used the paddles again.

Everybody stepped away and Leah's chest was shocked. There were still no peaks on the heart monitor though. The doctors couldn't keep this up and I knew that. They maybe only have one more time to get her back before they gave up.

The third time had to be the charm. This is going to be Leah's last chance. The doctor pressed the paddles to her chest again and hit the button. We all waited a few seconds but her heart monitor stayed flat.

This time the doctors didn't do anything. There was no more they could do. Taylor couldn't hold me back anymore. I pushed passed the doctors and ran to Leah's bedside. I grabbed her pale face and shook her a little bit.

"Leah, Leah you have to come back to me. I'm here. You can't leave me now, not yet. I love you!" I yelled at her.

Just like every sappy movie I kissed her. You know true loves kiss always wakes up the princess. I rested my forehead against hers and let out another sob realizing she's truly gone. I refused to believe that. There is no way our paths crossed just for her to be taken away from me like this.

"No! LEAH WAKE UP!" I yelled and hit her exposed chest.

"Ow" I heard a mumble. My eyes widen in shook as I looked over at her heart monitor. There are peaks again.

"Why did you hit my chest?" She asked. Gabby and Carmen came on the other side of her bed and looked down at their daughter.

"Leah, baby, open your eyes." Carmen asked. It took her a minute but Leah got her eyes open. Her bright blue eyes scanned over our faces before she locked eyes with her moms.

"Why does it feel like I got hit by lightning?" Leah asked and closed her eyes again. Carmen let out a chuckle.

Doctors flooded the room again and made us all leave. I didn't want to go but we were forced out of the room so the doctors could do their jobs. I sat down right outside the door and waited. It took a while but finally the doctors came out. They said that she is fine.

Once I heard the magic words that we could see her I ran into the room leaving everybody else outside. The door shut behind me, which caught Leah's attention. She looked at me and smiled. I walked over to her bedside and sat on the edge of her bed.

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