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The next morning I was up early. Well not super early, it was well after 10am but Leah was knocked out cold next to me. I changed into a light long sleeve shirt and a pair of shorts and walked down to the kitchen and found Marcus sitting at the table sweaty and shirtless.

"Hi" I said getting his attention. Marcus jumped not hearing me come in.

"Good morning." He said and put the paper down.

"Where are Jayce and Lynn?" I asked and grabbed myself a glass of water.

"I dropped Jayce off at pre-K and Lynn is still sleeping. She doesn't get up until around noonish. Usually I wake her up before I go to work." Marcus said and got up from his chair.

"What do you do?" I asked.

"I'm a firefighter for the city of Boston." He said.

            Marcus and I chatted for a few minutes before he left me to get ready for work. I took his place reading the paper and made some pancakes. Marcus left and once he did I went back upstairs to check on Leah. When I saw she was asleep I went down the hall to Lynn's room and opened the door. Peaking inside revealed that Lynn is still dead asleep. One thing I learned from being roommates with Lynn for six months is that she is a heavy sleeper.

            So with that in mind I crept into her room and jumped on top of her bed. Well more like on top of her. Lynn jumped up and opened her eyes. When she saw it was me she pulled me into a hug and cuddled into me.

"You know I don't think my girlfriend would like this that much." I said and Lynn only laughed before pulling me closer.

"I don't care, my soon to be husband is at work, my kid is at school and I'm finally seeing my best friend." She said.

"Soon to be husband! When did that happen?!" I yelled pushing her off of me.

            Lynn smiled into her pillow and showed me her left hand. On her ring finger is a simple engagement ring with one bigger stone in the middle of two smaller ones.

"You're engaged!!" I yelled again and started to jump up and down on the bed.

"You're worse than Jayce." Lynn said and chuckled.

"Oh my god, congratulations!!" I said and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Should I be worried?" I heard Leah say from the hallway.

            I let go of Lynn and looked over to my girlfriend. Leah's eyebrows are scrunched up and a look of worry crosses her face. I just smiled at her and started giggling. Lynn started laughing too and Leah just looked even more weirded out.

"Okay, I'm definitely worried now." Leah said and started to walk away.

"Hey Leah come back!" I said through my giggles. When Leah didn't come back I got up out of bed and walked out of Lynn's room to go after her.

            But Leah was waiting for me outside in the hall. She jumped at me making me jump and fall to the ground. Leah started laughing while I just laughed at myself on the floor. When we finally got ourselves together and off the floor, Leah and Lynn went downstairs to eat the pancakes I made for them.         

            After breakfast Leah went back up too our room leaving Lynn and I alone. Taking this time alone, I pulled Lynn outside and we walked to the water. When we got to the waters' edge Lynn and I sat down on one of the rocks. Lynn took a deep breath and smiled at the water.

"So, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm finally happy." Lynn said and smiled. "I'm happy with my life, my body, my mind, my baby boy is growing up, I'm engaged. I owe a lot to Marcus." Lynn said.

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