chapter 4

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Y/n pov:

It was the next day
I woke up due to the sun shining in my eyes

I checked the time it was 7:35
I pulled my covers over my head

It was too early to be awake anyway
So I decided to go back to sleep

If I gotta be honest, I hated my new room it had no curtains
My aunt Laura came in barging in

"Y/n rise and shine sleepy head"
She said while pulling off the sheets

I shivered due to the cold hitting me
My aunt Laura is smiling while she sees me lying on my bed

"Aunt Laura, do I have to get up early?"
I said while groaning in annoyance

"Of course you have to get up early. It's a brand new day in a brand new place. So get up and get ready. "
She said while walking out the room

She stood on the door frame
"I left food on the stove and money on the table. Oh, I also left you some cash so you can walk around the town and explore Kay. Bye, love ya."

I could hear her footsteps going down the stairs
I sat up on my bed since I was already awake and might as well start the day

I headed down stairs my hair was a mess
I grabbed a plate and microwaved the food it was cold

I grabbed Luna's plate and went to feed her
She purred at my feet, waiting for her food

Once she got her food, the microwave started beeping

I went to get my food
Then, I headed for the table

I then went to the table and saw the cash that my aunt had left on the table

She left me 50 bucks (I don't know how money works there. Don't judge)
I started eating while my cat had just finished

Once I finished, I went to go get ready to head out

I got my bag and Luna's carrier which was just an attachment to my actual bag

I put on my shoes and Luna waited patiently for me as we headed out  

We started walking around the neighborhood

I passed a cemetery, which was actually pretty cool
I went up to get a closer look and peeked inside

I started walking around
Once I got bored, my cat and I left the cemetery

I started walking down the street
That's when I saw that redhead kid that I saw yesterday

He saw me then looked at my cat
He was shook he started walking towards me

I didn't know what to do
I started panicking bc I honestly don't know how to talk to people

He came up to me and said "Hi I'm heavy. Are you new? I've never seen you around here before?!"

He then waited for me to answer but then kept talking, " Wait, are you the new family that moved across the street?!?! Also, cool cat, can I pet it!!

I then said " um.. sure you can pet my cat?!?!"
He looked really happy and asked, "What's your name?"

I answered Y/n
He said "cool name I'm heavy."

"Heavy, that's an odd name but I guess it makes you interesting."
I said while looking at him, petting my cat

"Anyways, I gotta go before my brother catches up. Bye, it was nice meeting you," he said while running off

As he left my sight, I kept waking down the road. I came across a store

My cat sat down outside, waiting for me while I went inside to get some stuff

I entered and got a drink and some chips
As I was heading over to pay, I turned around to get some treats for my cat

I also get some menstrual products as I was done grabbing stuff. I turned and bumped into something blocking my way

It was the same blonde boy from yesterday
I rubbed my forehead, and it hurts a lot

He then spoke, " Sorry about that."
He then reached out his hand to help me up

I looked at it for a second
And said," Thanks but, I am perfectly fine of getting up my self"

And proceed to get up
And grab the stuff that fell onto the ground

As I head over to pay, I see him grab some cat food
I keeped wondering if he also has a cat

I paid for my stuff and asked for a bag. Once Im done paying, I noticed him set his things down and finish paying very quickly

I head outside and see my cat waiting for me there she rubs herself against my legs, knowing I have something for her

I squat down to give her some of the treats I got her
Then I see the Blondie staring at me with a can of cat food in his hand

He then says, "Is this your cat?" All confused
I started thinking, "Did he think my cat was a stray

I then answer "Yea its my cat?!"
He then proceeded to say, " Oh, I thought your cat was a stray, but here is a can of cat food I got for your cat."

Thanks, I say, confused about why he actually is talking to me last. I saw he looked away, annoyed when I last saw him

He then turned around and then said bye. I guess I'll see ya around

I looked at him all confused as he started walking away as those words kept repeating in my head
"See you around," I thought

Weird who would've thought that we would soon be special to each other.

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