Chapter 2

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Percy's Third Person POV

He had left his travel down the memory lane. It was just too painful. Then, he realized he forgot to pack his bag. He immediatly ran back to his room and started to packing. He made sure he didn't forget his phone like last time (Leo had made a demigod phone for them so that it wouldn't be tracked down by monsters because they had enough of that life). Along with a few of his notebooks and a few books in Ancient Greek he owned. Since he was a demigod, he was ABHD and diagnostic. Which meant that english was not easy for them but  Ancient Greek came naturally to them. It also meant, constant tapping and being out of focus which tend to get annoying a lot. He ruffled his  black hair as he looked in the mirror and opened the door, walking to the kitchen. "Good morning" His mother greeted

"Mornin'" He said, as the familar smell of his favorite breakfast danced all around the kitchen. The smell of syrup and flour. The amount of blue around the kitchen. It was clear, that his mom had made his favorite, blue Pancakes. Percy eyed on his mom suspiciously as he tried to grab a pancake to take a bite. "Is it a special day today?" he asks with a questioning tone

"Do I need an excuse to make my son a breakfast he likes?" His mom asks. She couldn't just side her smile. But he didn't argue. He just sat down and starting eating the pancakes. "Percy, did you pack your phone, textbook? Did you pack money for your lunch??" She asked, really concerned. "Yep, yep, and yep. Mom, I can handle it myself. I'm almost sixteen." he whined about still being treated as a child. "Sorry Percy. You know I get concerned." His mom replied with a frown. 

"Plus, my friends are there to watch me." At that, his mom brightened and whispered to herself "She sure will."  "What was that?" he asked, not knowing what his mom said. "Nothing. Enjoy your first day at school!" his mom shouted as he went out of the door. He waved and then he was off to school.

But he didn't know what was coming to him.

AU : Did you enjoy that cliffhanger?? I will try to edit the chapters more in the future and as fast as I can but I will try. Voting and coment is always appriciated!

~ Hazelnut ~

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