Chapter 7 : Reyna's truth

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AU : Thank you so much for reading my stories and for a special since I wasn't updating for a long time, (  :( sorry) I will post 2 chapters at once. Expect a lot of drama and check out my bio for my other accounts.  As always, enjoy the story!

Chapter 7

Annabeth's POV

As so, the dangerous game of truth or dare continued.

"Reyna, truth or dare?" Hazel asked.

"A roman never backs from challenges. Dare." Reyna replied firmly.

"Umm" Hazel was thinking.

Since she was kind, I thought she wouldn't do something mean like others do. But the instant I thought, Hazel had that ice cold expression that made me shudder and I thought of the time during our quest to collect the 7, the spirits that were in the boy's body. That permanent ice-cold expression, I shuddered at that.
While I was zooming off, Hazel was thinking of a dare on the top of her head then she asked me.

"Does Reyna have a crush?" She whispered.

"I suspect one person but we can't be too sure."

Hazel nodded, then turned to Reyna.

"I dare you to kiss your crush on the lips for at least 10 seconds."
Reyna paled but asked for some time for herself and Hazel nodded and as soon as she got the confirmation, she ran out of the room, red-faced and in shock.

I felt sorry for her but I looked around at my friends and the only people (by the look on their faces) who were sorry were, Nico, Percy, and Me. I had felt sorry towards Reyna because I was part of why she was doing this dare. I just hugged my knees and buried my face in shame. Piper noticed and asked,

"Are you okay Annabeth?"
I just buried my head further and the others saw and got quiet.

All except Drew.

"I mean, why does anybody care for this BRAT? I am obviously more important." And as soon as she said that, a combo of lightning and storm struck her and she jumped up, having her hair on fire.

"Ahhh!! NO! NOT MY HAIR!!!"

Everybody laughed and I even chucked. I turned around to see who did that and her thoughts were true. It was a mix of Jason and Percy. And, oh gods. Percy was really cute when he smiled like that and I thought of old times.

'No.' I thought to myself. 'Pull yourself together Annabeth! You have a boyfriend.'
Her thoughts were true but even though she was dating Luke for almost 1 year, she still felt empty. Sure Luke was a caring and faithful boyfriend and handsome too! But she didn't feel the same. And he sometimes came to her house, drunk. Because even though he was not old enough to drink, he drank anyway and sometimes he threw things at Annabeth and shouted mean things. She always just tucked him in bed without a word and the next morning, Luke always asked for forgiveness and she couldn't say no so she just forgave him. But that 1 time turned into 2 and 5 and now, she gave up counting. Heck she was even able to break up at this point. The only thing keeping her was that if she dumped him, she would be alone forever, without someone to love, and without someone who loved her. Honestly, she wanted to run back to Percy now but she didn't know if he still loved her. So for now, she made the safest choice and stayed with Luke until Percy showed some interest and right now, she was getting a few stares but that's about it. After all that thinking, I excused myself to wash in the bathroom. There, I heard somebody crying in one of the stalls. I saw that the stall was open so I knocked and opened the door just slightly so that I couldn't see but could talk and hear her.

"Reyna, you okay?"
There was a long pause of silence but after a flush down the toilet, she finally came out and I gasped.

I saw that her eyes were red from crying and her nose were red too and she looked, well, not roman. Her whole face turned red of embarrassment as she looked in the mirror. She quickly washed her face and cleaned herself. I did the same right next to her. As I was doing that, I kept shooting Reyna apologetic and worried looks but she didn't seem to notice. After we cleaned up, I spoke up.

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault!" I apologized to Reyna.

"It's fine Annabeth. You had no intention of hurting me." She replied, still shaking from crying.

"If I may ask," I said hesitantly.
"Go ahead." Reyna replied.

"Who is your crush and why are you crying?" I asked.

Reyna flinched. I thought I said something wrong so I was about to take it back but then she told me everything.

About Venus or Aphrodite telling her that she will never find her 1 true love her whole life and if she did have a person that she has a crush on, his heart will always belong to someone else and then she told me who her crush was.

AU : Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed! Follow me for more!

Lila Latte Grace, Immortal Daughter of Jason and Piper Mclean, decendant of Aphrodite and Jupiter, Goddess of Dawn and dusk.

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