Chapter 4 : Complicated Love

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Author's Note :

Enjoy the Story and suggesstions are always appriciated. 

Chapter 4

Percy's POV

I couldn't be around Annabeth. Why? He thought. I can't be jealous of Luke could I?

I just shrugged away the thought and looked at my schedule. I had a study hall. I went over to the study hall and on the way, I picked up a few snacks before actually going to the study hall. Our study hall, you are allowed to eat snacks there. I took a few chips and a cola and went over. And on the way , I bumped into Rachel, a girl that I had a crush on. She was always so beautiful and cute. And she was our oracle at Camp Half-Blood. And I had a little crush on her even when me and Annabeth were together but when Annabeth was going away, after my faith of Annabeth still loving has faded away, I focused more on our relationship. We went on a few dates but we're not boyfriend and girlfriend yet. Piper was always shipping me and Annabeth even though she was away. All my friends thought Rachel was a bad girl, and when I got close to her, she would dump me.

"Dude," Jason will always say, "Be careful."

I didn't know what was wrong with her. I mean, she looks and seems like a kind girl! She wasn't going too fast or too slow with our relationship. And she seemed like the right girl to me.

"Hi Rachel." I greeted her.

To be honest, I was kinda nervous every time I talked with her. I get butterflies in my stomach and always stutter my words out. It was obvious. I was in love once again. But something was different this time. It's like I consider her as a sister now. I didn't stutter my words and I didn't think of her as my girlfriend. So what was going on?

"Hi Percy! How are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm doing well, thanks. Well, I better go to the study hall."

"Bye Percy! See you later!"

"Bye Rachel!"


As I was studying in the study hall, I thought to myself, What was going on?

The love I once felt for Rachel was now gone and replaced by a Brotherly love.

I didn't know what was going to happen but one thing for sure, I would have to study for the test tomorrow so I got out my textbook and my notebook and started studying.


After studying, I went to get lunch so I went over to the cafeteria.

There, I went over to my usual table with my friends, just the seven with Reyna and Nico, and Thaila.

When I was there, I could see that Frank and Jason were arguing. About, what horses? I saw stranger things happen and don't you even ask. Anyway, I grabbed a bag of chips and cola and sat down next to Thaila.

"Hi kelp head. Excited that Annabeth is back?" She asks with a little goofing in her voice.

"Nahhh" I answered. Even though my face was burning hot.

"Well well well looks like we got a little situation called, "Girlfriend and boyfriend, reunited."

"Piper! Don't tease him!" Hazel protested.

"Tease who?"

And that is when Annabeth chose that moment to come over to our table.

"Mind if we sit here?" Luke asks, still holding Annabeth's hand.

"Sure of course." Frank tells them.

Frank was always a softie on the new kids but I didn't mind.

"So Annabeth" Piper started with a suspicious tone, "What are you planning to do this weekend?" She asks.

"I don't have any plans. Why?" She answers.

"Everybody on this table, party and sleepover at my house during the weekend!!"

Everybody at the table seemed pretty excited but what we didn't know was that somebody else was listening to our conversation.

We were all talking when suddenly, Drew came over and flirted with me and Jason.

"Aww Pewsy, can I go to babe?" she asked.

I just looked away disgusted and didn't look back.

"Jason boo?" she looked at Jason.

Jason just put a hand protectively on Piper's shoulders.

"Never." He says firmly.

Then, she turned her target to Piper.

"Too scared to invite me? Sure. I have my ways of sneaking into parties anyways."

Piper looked actually scared. Because after her, Drew had the 2nd most powerful charmspeaking in the demigods and she could easily charm the guards into letting her in.

"Fine. You are invited but you cannot use your charmspeak."

She just nodded and went away happily.

After she was gone, Piper groaned.

"Are you okay, Pipes?" Jason asks.

"Never been better." Piper says sarcastically.

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