Chapter 6 : Truth or Dare 1

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Chapter 6


This chapter is dedicated to my AMAZING readers and especially, @LotteARMYsuga3 and @FairAndJustice. Thank you so much!! Now, on to the story!

Percy's POV

Before we started, Annabeth reminded us that we need a rule. "Of course!" Piper replied.She immediately started telling us the rules.

"The first rule is that if you don't want to do a dare, you have to tell us one of your deepest secrets." By that rule, everybody looked around to be uncomfortable. Everybody had that one secret they didn't want to tell. "Continuing, if your boyfriend or girlfriend has to kiss somebody or do anything romantic to another person, you cannot be mad and let them." 

We just all seemed super nervous at that point and just started the game.

"Percy, truth or dare?" Piper asked. When I took to much time thinking, Piper added, "If you take too much time while choosing, then, we automatically get to choose and of course they choose." I would be doing a dare seeing how "Kind" they are. "I dare you to tell us who your crush is." Piper told me. I just silently mumbled, "Annabeth" under my breath. And quickly continued anxious to change the subject.

"Leo, Truth or Dare?" I ask. "Dare all the way man!" He told us. I had my mischievous smile on and thought about the dare. Then, I whispered in his ear about the dare. Leo went tanned to super paled. He just said that he will be going to the bathroom now and went. "What did you tell Leo, Percy?" Hazel asked. "You'll see." I just answered.


A minute later, Leo came into the room again, holding an egg. He also prepared a plastic bag for him to barf into. Then, looking nervous, he cracked the egg open and swallowed it. All of us gasped at that and when we gasped all at the same time, we cracked up and laughed. And while we were doing all that, Leo was busy barfing in the nearest bathroom he found. We were still all laughing when he came in with an angry face and said,

"I'll get back at you for doing that Jackson!"

I just chuckled at that threat.
"In your dreams, Valdez."

And we continued the dangerous game of Truth or Dare. Leo asked Jason, "Truth or Dare?" Jason considered and then said, "Truth." "Aww man!" Leo whined. "Hmm let's see.." After a few minutes Leo finally decided, "What is the most annoying thing your roommate does?" Leo asked. Jason nervously glanced at me and everybody laughed. "Well, for the fact that Percy is obsessed with this song called, "Baby Shark" is kinda annoying I guess." Everybody laughed while my face turned RED. "Haha" Leo laughed. "Shut up......." I mumbled.

Jason quickly moved on. "Hazel, Truth or Dare?" She just said "Dare." He thought and chose really fast. "I dare you to kiss Leo while talking to him like he is Sammy." "Wha-" Hazel started to say but Frank came in fast. "Who said you could do that?!" He said angrily. "Remember the rule!" Piper said, half singing. "Ugh" Frank just calmed himself down and was taking deep breaths.

Finally, when he was all calmed down, "Fine. But do it quickly." With that, Frank looked away, while Hazel had to continue with her dare. Leo was getting ready to kiss, doing spray within his mouth, and since he doesn't have a girlfriend yet, he was happy to continue with his dare. After Hazel took a calming breath in, she went over to Leo and started to do her dare. "Sammy, how are you doing?" And with that she gave him a little peck on the lips and went to the nearest room to escape and Frank followed her to the room. "Hazel!" He shouted after her.

"Dang Leo. She hates kissing you that much?" I ask. "Haha maybe" Was his answer.

All of us laughed at that.

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