Chapter 5 : The Plan

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Chapter 5

Author's Note : Sorry for the short chapter but I really wanted to update fast. I hope you like the story and enjoy!

Piper's POV

That brat had to keep me on the edge when she finally bursted me and I could hear how much charmspeaking she was using. But I was too powerful for her to manipulate. But she wasn't aiming it at me. She was aiming it at my friends. I used my charmspeak power to shield them. I just recently found out that I could do that and had been waiting for a perfect time ever since. But turns out she was annoying to keep at our table so I just gave up and invited her. Oh how I regret that sooner or later. After school, I cleaned my place head to toe even though it took several hours to clean it all. I finally got to rest but only a little bit. A while later, the guests started coming.

There were Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Nico, Thaila, Drew, Rachel and Reyna. Luke couldn't come because of personal reasons and that made it even more perfect for my plan.

"Hey guys!" I gestured my hand to the inside of my house to welcome them.

"Feel free to adventure in my house all except Drew. I don't trust you."

Drew had a sad face on but stayed next to me while all my friends wowed and my house.

My house was pretty big considering it was a mansion. It was my dad's main house but he got 7 more mansions in different locations. Such as Hawaii and other locations.

After exploring for a while, I led them to a room where the floor was replaced by sheets instead of a normal floor. Sleeping bags were spread on the floor and pillows were placed randomly across the room.

"I present to you, the sleepover room!"

They seemed wowed like they were before and Leo dived in.

"CANNONBALL!" he screamed like a battle cry before he jumped in.

Laughter came from all over the room and my friends jumped in one by one.

Now on to step two, of the plan I carefully designed.

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" I ask.

Almost everyone said yes except Nico.

"Come on Nico!" Hazel protested.

"FINE!" Nico was finally convinced.

And we sat around in a circle and started.

"I'll start." I told them.

And then we started playing an intense game of truth or dare.

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