hanging out together

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"so, what we should do now" asked Sasuke excitedly. they both had been playing games for 3 hours.

"Study" said Narumi

"Ahh you're boring but if that's what you want then let's start"


"Finally! Finished!"

"It's late , I should leave now" said Narumi looking at the clock , which showed 10 in the night

"Wait! Leave after eating dinner. My nīsan says I'm a good cook and I don't think you'll eat on your own"

"No, it's too late"

"Ohh come'on... For me please"

Narumi sighed and said "okay... But prepare it fast"

"Hai... Just wait sometime" said Sasuke walking to his kitchen.

In the mean time Narumi continued her study.

Sasuke made rice, rice balls, roasted fish, miso soup, omelette. He served it with some pickles and salad.

"Please tell me how it is" Narumi sighed and put her book aside and grabbed her chopsticks and took a bite of the omlette. Her eyes widened a little and back to normal.

She mumbled something incoherent under her breath with a little blush on her cheek.

"Did you said something" asked Sasuke

"This is ..." Whispered Narumi


"This is good" said Narumi with a blushing face as she didn't complimented people too often.

"Glad you liked it" Sasuke smiled at her


"I'll drop you"

"I can go myself"

" Narumi it's 11:00 PM, pretty girls aren't safe , specially if it someone like you"

Narumi blushed as Sasuke just added Her in the' pretty girls' category.

"Wdym by someone like me"

"You're too beautiful for this ugly world"

"Shut up!"

"What? I'm telling truth"

"Hmph" she puffed her cheeks like a five year old girl whose mom made somethin' she doesn't like in dinner

"Now let me drop you" said Sasuke holding Narumi's hand

"Hmm" agreed Narumi with a still blushing face

"Good" Said Sasuke happily while dragging the girl to his car

He sat her on the seat next to him.


"You live here!"

"So, you thought I lived in a mansion or what"

"No that's not what I meant... Y'know crime rate in this area is high and most of the people are usually drunk... It's not good for you, y'know"

"It's better then living with my old parents"

"It sure is but still..."

"You don't need to worry about me, I'm used to this" said Narumi getting out of the car while Sasuke did the same

"Let's go"

"I can go myself"

"Let me do it please or I might not be able to sleep the whole night..."

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