You'll Marry Her!

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"Sasuke! As you know, I was searching for a bride for you as The chosen one was lost... But!
Now, I have found your chosen one! Meet her, Narumi! And you can't decline. You'll Marry Her!
Means you'll marry her! She's your fiancee now.
You'll Marry her next year, on this same date. Got it! Now, go get Itachi, I have to tell him about your marriage too!" Mikoto spoke in a commanding voice to her youngest son.

"Hai! Kaa-san! Your words, my future!" The raven spoke as watched the still blushing girl from the corner of his eyes. He stood up and went to search for his elder brother.

Mikoto sat her daughter-in-law-to-be near her and looked at her husband.

"Fugaku... It's really her. The seal burnt away the second she put her blood on it. It's definitely her! Sasuke was supposed to marry her anyway... I accept Narumi as my daughter in law. What about you?"

"You accept her as your daughter in law... And I take her as my daughter. Narumi, you'll live with me and Mikoto until your marriage..."

The blonde teared up, "th-thank you, you both"

"We are your parents now, call me father"

"Y-yes, thank you, father..."

"What about me?" Mikoto spoke

"Thank you... Mother"

"Weren't you her mother in law, Mikoto?"

"No, I'm her mother now" Mikoto said as she hugged the girl protectively...

The older woman wished for a daughter all her life and her husband knew it very well. He felt happy for her, and deep inside his heart. The older Uchiha too longed for a daughter. It was tragic that the blonde had longed for parents all her life, when they were present. He made sure to ruin that nurse's carrier.

Sasuke soon came back with Itachi. Taking his fiancee out of his mother's arms...

"Mother, it's getting late. I'll leave with Narumi" Sasuke said

Fugaku looked at His son as he stood up.

"Sasuke, you can leave if you want but Narumi won't go with you"


"You heard your father right Sasuke. Starting from this moment, Narumi will be living with us"


"No buts! Didn't you just said my words, your future"

"Uhh... I did"

"Very well. I'm leaving with Narumi" Mikoto spoke boldly as she took Narumi from Sasuke,
Who gently waved at him with a smile on her face, Sasuke waved back as he watched his mother taking his fiancee upstairs...

"Tō-san... I'll take my leave now. Bye, Itachi"
Sasuke said as he left his parents mansion.

"Bye, Sasuke..." Said Itachi as he stood up

"Tō-san, Izumi must be home by now. She couldn't come because of a emergency at the hospital. I have to tell her about today, too"

"Hn, you can leave... " 

"Thanks, Tō-san" with that the oldest son of Fugaku left. 

He went to his room to see his wife chatting with their daughter. Mikoto looked so happy talking to the younger girl.

Narumi was really worried when she was informed that she'll be meeting Sasuke's parents. She was afraid they won't her like her but She wanted to laugh at how wrong she was... She regretted not meeting them earlier.
Mikoto was treating her like a mother treating her little girl.

"Narumi you'll be sleeping in Sasuke's old room for a week as your room isn't ready yet and you can wear this now. Feel Free to use the cupboard, dear and if you need anything you can come to me anytime, okay?"


"Good! Oyasumi, Narumi"

"Oyasumi, kaa-san"

With that being said the blonde went to the room. Sasuke's room was dark themed, all the things were well organised. She looked at the photos of him with his mother, brother and a little girl. Which she will ask Mikoto about in the morning. Sasuke had lived in this room until he finished school. She laid on the bed and looked at the empty space as the bed was quite big for someone with a small figure.

Narumi missed the raven as she looked at the empty space. Her phone rang and the blonde checked it to see it was the devil himself.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear...

A smile took over her lips as she answered the video call. The live image of her fiance appeared on the screen who looked like he was on the bed too.

"I missed you..." Both spoke at the same moment, making eachother chuckle.

"Is this my room?"

"Hmm... Kaa-san told me to sleep here"

"Quite clever of her... Well, you are alright right? I mean, I know my mother will take care of you but still... If you feel like something's wrong don't hesitate to tell me. Me being away from doesn't mean I'm busy. I'm never busy for you... And I'll drop you to your college tomorrow like always so, I'll get to see my dear fiancee's adorable face anyway. I'll be there to pick you up too"

"Well... Sasuke. That won't happen. Father has already told me that he'll be the one doing this job. So... "

"Ahh... Man! He's really your father now...
Well, Narumi my father doesn't accept people most of the time but when he does, that person is special to him then.. and you're one of those special people of his... And he took as his daughter. Not daughter in law, which means a lot. It simply tells how amazing you are... And,
What about weekend?"

"Kaa-san and Father are taking me to the amusement on Saturday and the aquarium on Sunday then we will attend a party... My schedule is pretty busy"

"Ahh... But I want to see you!"

"You're seeing me right now"

"No! Not like that! I want in front of me!"

"I'll be in front of one year later... As your bride"

"Ohh... Narumi. How will this one year go for me without you! I'll go crazy... Then, I'll go on murdering anyone who dared messed with me!
I'll become a Murderer without you! So, I'm saying this to you for the sake of those people who are on High risk of getting killed by me!"

"Ohh.. really? Well, then... You won't be seeing me forever"


"Right, you didn't heart anything wrong Mr. Uchiha. As there's no way, I'll ever be marrying a Murderer... I hate them... And don't ever say such things!"

"Narumi... You know, I was joking, just joking...
You know, I'll never do that... How can I?"

"Just... Don't speak such things..."

"I won't, dear... Now, have some mercy on me and please find a way so we both can meet, my genius fiancee!"

"Well, Sasuke... That would be disobeying Kaa-san And father. Forgive me... I can't do that"

"Ahh.... Okay. But promise me you'll pick up my calls everytime or leave message"

"I will don't worry, dear..."

"Well... It's getting pretty late. Have a good sleep and I'll call you in the morning to wake you up, okay. So, you don't need to put an alarm"

"Okay... Good night and sweet dreams"

With one smile, the call ended and just like that Narumi fell asleep in a blink of eye.

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