My Soulmate

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Sasuke was woken up by the phone ringing. With one arm still wrapped around his love. He picked the phone and answered.

"Hello... Little brother. Well, as you see. To celebrate your success we'll be holding a party with all of our employees and other important people. Tō-San and Kaa-san will be coming too"

"So?" Whispered Sasuke, not wanting to wake up his lover.

"Mother wants you to get married... So, how about you ask a girl to act as your lover?"

"I have a girlfriend, Itachi"


"Shut up... She is sleeping next to me and if she woke up, I'll kill you..." Hissed the younger raven

"Ohh.. but why didn't you told me?"

"I forgot..."

"Okay... So, why don't you bring your girlfriend to office today. I'll meet her"

"You don't need to meet her..."


"Okay... Fine. She'll come but she'll stay within my office the whole time. No employee will meet her"

"Okay... And don't forget to bring her on August
20. Mother and father will meet her too"

"Okay..." Sasuke looked at his phone to see it was August 15.

He looked at the time. It was 5:22 AM. Sasuke got up and went to take a shower. He prepared a big bento, enough for both him and Narumi.
He changed into one of his formal suits that he wore for office. He took out one of his full sleeved black hoodie which had the Uchiha symbol on it at the back. The hoodie was plain black at the front. He took out one of Narumi's orange trousers and other stuff. He gently woke up Narumi by showering her with kisses.
The blonde giggled and woke up smiling. Sasuke told her that she'll be spending today with Sasuke in his office as his big brother wanted to meet her. Narumi grew anxious. Sasuke simply told her that his brother would like her.

While Narumi got dressed. Sasuke made two sandwiches. A strawberry sandwich with cream for naru and a tomato cheese sandwich for him. Narumi came out of the room, in Sasuke's hoodie. Sasuke smiled as his girlfriend almost drowned in his hoodie. She looked cute to be honest, her long hair were in pigtails, making her look like a 10 year old. Her curves were hidden by Sasuke's hoodie just as he planned. Narumi's short height of 150 cm didn't help in making her look older. Her face was cherubic, making her look like an actual child.

Sasuke smiled down at her. She was going to turn 17 in few weeks but here she was looking like some 10 year old. She looked so cute that Sasuke couldn't help but hug her behind being happy. "Narumi... I'm afraid that I'll be arrested"

"Ehh? Why my boyfriend will be arrested!! May his enemies gets arrested!!!"

Sasuke sighed...

"You look like a 10 year old, love. They'll arrest me for dating a child. Go get your birth certificate" Sasuke said as he patted her head. Narumi pouted but still got her birth certificate and gave it to Sasuke. The raven took it and held the blonde's hand. He walked down the stairs and sat him and his girlfriend in his car. They both drove to the Uchiha corporations. Sasuke entered and the receptionist greeted him. He returned it with a mere nod. With his girlfriend's small hand in his. He walked inside the lift, which was saved for the special people.

They both reached their floor and Sasuke brought Narumi to his office. Today his assistant, Ino was given a leave by him. The platinum blonde seemed to be happy enjoying her date with her pale boyfriend...

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