What happened?!

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Narumi was ready in her outfit for the day.

She was pretty excited to be with her raven haired boyfriend the whole day

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She was pretty excited to be with her raven haired boyfriend the whole day. She'd already prepared both of their bento for today. About the breakfast she'd made some bite sized pancakes and a fried egg, along with raspberries and some seasoned sliced avocados

For Sasuke she made a pizza toast with loads of cherry tomatoes along with raspberries, blueberries and banana salad to make it healthy.

She served the breakfast on the table. Until then, Sasuke came out dressed too. He loved how the tomatoes were well baked. He could eat tomatoes anyway but his future wife always made them more delicious with her magic. Her cooking was always a balance, of love, health and taste.

After finishing their first meal of the day, they both went to the Uchiha corporations. Narumi enjoyed the view of the Greenery here and there. After some time, they reached their destination. Before entering the great building Sasuke made sure his hand was tightly wrapped around his girlfriend's waist.

Everyone gazed down, knowing the consequences of looking up. The receptionist greeted the young Uchiha as usual and the raven responded the same way. They both entered Sasuke's cabin. After some minutes, Itachi came and took his seat. He greeted the couple with his charming smile.

The 3 discussed their future ideas together...
Itachi was quite impressed by the blonde 's ideas. He asked her for more ideas for their other businesses. The blonde was happy to help
Her fiance in his work.


After sometime, They all were ready with a new idea. Itachi left happily. Narumi looked at the Time to it was almost 2 pm. She hurriedly took out the bento. Narumi out two bento boxes infront of Sasuke. One with onigiri.

 One with onigiri

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And the other one with some veggies and rice

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And the other one with some veggies and rice.
Narumi took out her bento with consisted of 2 small boxes. One was filed with veggies and cutlets while the other was filled with rice and a pickled plum.

 One was filed with veggies and cutlets while the other was filled with rice and a pickled plum

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"Ittadakimasu!" Both Narumi and Sasuke clapped their hands together. Narumi picked a cherry tomato From her bento and brought it close to her Raven's mouth. Sasuke smiled a little and ate the tomato. Narumi smiled brightly. Sasuke picked up a flowered shape carrot and feeded it to the blonde. The blonde smiled and munched on it. They both ate their lunches like this.

After enjoying every bite of their meal, they both decided to have a coffee. After the coffee they both went to their work. Sasuke found his work to be fun when she was with him. She was like a tomato for him, like you can put it in anything and it'll only make it better.

AN: It's Uchiha Sasuke's personal theory that if you put Tomato in a dish, it'll become more tasty. Nothing to do with the author, your author truly despises tomato and doesn't agree a bit with the duckbutt here...

Thank you!

Back to the story!


Both of them walked together to the raven's car and sat at their supposed seats. The raven started his car.

"Who could've thought you'll be this good in the business area. I think after your graduation you should come to my office everyday. This way we'll always be together and you won't be bored without me"

"I can't agree more..."

The raven smiled and Said with a smirk, "then, that's it! After getting graduated, you'll marry me first then you'll work as my official assistant and always be in front of my eyes"

"Sounds nice to me..."

"Just nice? It sounds perfect to me..."

The blonde giggled and hugged the raven, Sasuke kissed her forehead. The couple was in so joy that they forgot to look forward. Sasuke's eyes went forward and widened. A bright light almost blinded his eyes. He tried to turn the car by the steering wheel... It all happened in a blur. Before they both knew it, the car crashed into a big tree.

After five minutes, Sasuke gained his consciousness. He looked in the back to see that the car was going to blast in some Seconds. He looked at the blonde on his lap and carried her out of the car. He ran and the car blasted behind them. He sighed when he found both of them were out of danger... Or not.

He looked down to see the blonde's face covered in blood. Sasuke placed his fingers on his head to see it was bleeding too. He immediately messaged his brother his location.
He called Itachi. The older raven picked up his phone.

"Sasuke, you reached home?"

"N-No, m-me an... And Narumi had a... An accident... Come f-fast" the raven could feel his breath running out.

"Accident!? You both are okay, right?!"

"Don't question and come fast with an ambulance or two!" Snapped the younger raven

"You stay there, I'm coming!"

The raven sat under a tree. He was almost out of breath. He looked at his unconscious girlfriend. She was getting paler then him by each second. Sasuke's heart was drowning...

What just happened?

And... Why happened?

It was going so... Good. What happened?

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